I hear laundromats are a good source. Really! I am sure they won't miss them.
I need a strategy---Any Ideas?
by codeblue 27 Replies latest jw friends
hehe...Jgnat....of course, I forgot...I use to place many there myself!!!
I like jgnat suggestions to their clichéd remarks.
Deflect and distract works too.You already know the outcome long term, but at the reunion I would play the game, acknowledge you should be doing/going/being more theocratic but you've just been sooo busy. They'll encourage you but then you'll need to gently change subject or else you'll be their ongoing focus.
Nobody likes to be shunned and that's what the future holds so you need prepare yourself for it.
You could CAREFULLY read & re-read Blondie's comments on the Watchtower lesson. You will have to carefully pull the original thoughts out of the commentary. That is laborious, but it may still be the fastest track to "keeping up with the literature".
You can do what JW's do best when faced with tough questions, change the subject.
Oh, oh, oooooh, oh,
I also cultivate selective deafness.
Them: Why do you....?
Me. Oh, excuse me did you say something? Just a minute I have to go (let the dog out, let the dog in, check on a child, make a phone call)
Them: Why do you....?
Me: I'm sorry, I didn't catch all of that. (then change the subject to the weather, a good place to go shopping, etc.)
tell them that you think its BS and that you wish to no longer be part of JW's =D or else follow their advice and act sick
Mustang...great idea: reread Blondie's WT study comments!!!
Blondie: selective deafness may be the key...after all, I will be at a home I have never been to before and yes, they have a dog!!!
Keep the suggestions coming in...I appreciate them all.
you could say "can we all talk about something else, other than the meetings? We get that every other day, so let's catch up on family things."
There are many good selections to chose form here, but what i have found is if my relatives suspect i am not attending, they will try and "pop quiz" me. Which dc convention are u going to? Perhaps another question that forces me to reveal if i know what book we are studiyng for the book study. Or what book of the bible are we reading currently in the ministry school, or the current WT study(Read blondies comment). If u know what is currently bieng studied, and what book was released last year at the convention a, an article in a reasonably current mag, u should be able to BS your way though it.
good luck.