If You Found A Wallet----Would You Turn It In??

by minimus 62 Replies latest jw friends

  • orangefatcat

    I once lost my wallet, it had all my important things in it and about 15.00$. I was in another town when this happened to me. When I discovered I had lost it, I was frantic to say the least. Well at first I thought to myself oh gee no one will turn it in. But I was proven wrong I went to the police station in the town about an hour later and I told the police I had lost my wallet and if any one had turned it in. The policeman asked me my name and asked to describe my wallet. I did so and he left and came back with my wallet in his hands. What a relief I said. He said :"someone just turned it in a few minutes ago and your lucky as most people don't". I thanked him and asked him the person who found it if I could have the phone number so I could call and tell them thanks. The policeman said they left no name, they just dropped it off hoping the person would come here and find it. What honesty I thought. They feelings I had were that of graditude.

    A few yrs ago I was at the bank in line to use that ATM machine. A man in front of me was at the machine for a long time, doing I guess some deposits and transactions. I waited patiently. Then it was my turn I placed my card in the slot to punch my pin number and I looked down and the man had not taken the money he withdrew. I picked it up and counted it. It was 100.00$ I ran outside and I did'nt see the man anywhere. So I went into the bank and told several not one but several tellers I had just found 100.00$ that someone left in the ATM machine. They looked at each other and said in all honestly they would have kept the money and said nothing. I told them I was not that kind of person. The teller took out an envelope and placed the money in the in a safe place. They told me if the man doesn't return within three business days the money was mine. Fair and square I thought. Well the day came to see if the man had returned to the bank to ask for any money that may have been returned, he said to the girls , I doubt it though. Well when the bank tellers told him that someone had found his money he was aghast. They said he couldn't believe that their were still honest persons in this world. Any way the man gave me a 20.00$ reward via the bank. And gave the rest to the charity for the local hospital in our town and with much thanks and graditude he said now restored his faith in people again. Cool eh? I get 20.00$ and he gives the rest to the hospital. I thought that was great. The girls at the bank told me that he had considered the money lost. That is why he gave me a reward and the hospital too. And that made me feel real proud of myself. And then my JW ex husband said why did you say anything you should have kept it . I thought gee aren't you the honest one ????

    Love Orangefatcat.

  • minimus

    OFC------It does feel good to do the honest thing, doesn't it? Thanks for sharing!

  • pharisee

    I found a wallet when once and returned it to its owner. About 5 years later I lost my wallet while walking down one of the busiest streets in the city. The wallet fell out of my jacket, and a man saw it fall out, and ran back about a block to give it to me. My theory, what comes around goes around! Its not the money in a wallet that is usually the big loss, its all of the info and cards, they can take months to replace and can be a big headache. Plus with identity theft, you always worry about who has the wallet? Do the right thing and return it!

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