Are you a healthier person since you left?

by Lady Lee 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    I can say "Most definitely".

    I am healthier mentally - no more depression and I have the freedom to think and believe what is right for me and not dictated for me

    I am healthier emotionally - I have the freedom to be happy or sad or angry or whatever it is I feel in the moment. I no longer have to pretend to be happy to keep the congregation looking good.

    I am healthier physically - since I live in freedom I no longer experience all the stress-related health problems that I did while a JW

    I am healthier socially - I now have the freedom to care for others (was reproved for helping a sister who was dying at home instead of going out in service and to meetings) and to be friendly without strings attached (will they study). I am now free to share my compassion and caring without the fear of reprimand.

    I am healthier educationally - I was able to go to college and university after I left the borg and now have a career that suits my needs and passions

    I am healthier financially because I have the freedom to work when and where I choose without fear of censure.

    I am happier in my love life - no one is examining what goes on in my bedroom between me and my husband and my husband never ever pressures me into the kinds of sex I don't want or enjoy (unlike my ex - who was an elder and pressured me into JW-banned and unwanted sex acts)

    I am no longer confused, depressed, stress-out, abused, pressured, guilt-ridden, put-upon or hypocritical. I no longer have to lie about who I am or what I do. I love my life and would not go back for anything. What about you?

    Aspire to inspire before you expire

  • FlyingHighNow

    I am definitely healthier both emotionally and physically. My immune system is much healthier without all of the stress. I have noticed that college kids who work and go to school full time get sick a lot. I believe it's because they burn the candle at both ends. I think that JWs suffer similar stress of packing too much into their lives when they feel they have no choice. I knew a lot of JW families including mine that were constantly sick with viruses and strep thoat. Our family was very hard hit. Very hard.

    Yes, life is much better and much healthier now.


  • Carmel

    Physical health wasn't an issue at age 15. Emotionally, I began a steady process of getting rid of the guilt and intellectually began leaning how to evaluate issues more objectively. Sexual health wasn't an issue either as I was raised on a farm and had things pretty much figured out. Being the youngest of seven brothers kinda helped too! Financially, it was always a struggle but marriing a german helped with the necessary self diciplin to deal with the tendency to impulse shop. So after being out nearly 45 years, I'd say I escaped much of the damage many of you had to endure, for which I will be eternally grateful.


  • bikerchic

    Lady Lee I often felt while I was a witness that the stress of all those meetings and ect...had a bad effect on me and my family as well as those in the congergation. It seems to be one of those things you just adjust to and keep plugging. It wasn't until years later and shortly before I left getting healther mentally helped me to see how truly sick JW's are in many of the ways you outlined.

    healthier mentally -YES!

    healthier emotionally -YES!

    healthier physically -YES!

    healthier socially -YES!

    healthier educationally - YES!

    healthier financially- YES!

    happier in my love life - YES!!

    I am no longer confused, depressed, stress-out, abused, pressured, guilt-ridden, put-upon or hypocritical. I no longer have to lie about who I am or what I do. I love my life and would not go back for anything.

    Me too! Thanks for posting this it's good to look back and see the progress!


  • Sentinel

    Leaving the borg was extremely traumatic, as was leaving my first husband a year later. I was an emotional mess, even though I knew I was doing what I had to do. My heart was torn and I was devestated to have my foundation broken and weak with no support system in place, except for two good friends from the outside and two loving relatives, who welcomed me with loving arms. Most of my battle was "inside" me.

    As time went by, I began a mission to fix myself. I used avenues that I could find, but mostly it was done by myself, through meditation and reading and studying. It took me some twenty years after I left to finally feel free. I don't blame the borg for all my troubles. I believe that my personality, coupled with prior life's experiences weighed heavy upon me. It was compounded by a very dogmatic religious belief system.

    Yes indeed, I am a healthier and happier and more fulfilled human being than at any other time in my life!


  • orangefatcat

    I have decided that right now in my life I am better off without the hassles of trying to aspire to the rules and regualtions of men. I am frankly fed up to the max with it. I for one have never been strong phsycially so in that sense I am not any healthier. I feel that when I left the organization that I was already beginning to heal myself emotionally and mentally.

    I just wish with all my heart that my bode was stronger and able to preform the things I need to do in my life. Here I am at 52 yrs and feel that my life is starting to go down the tubes. I am going to have to depend more on people and I never in my life have ever had to depend on others. I was strong once. After a few accidents and my own body rejecting itself as to my immunity I am saddened.

    Only to be in my twenties again. Well I have to be realistic and so I have had to adjust my thinking and do some changes in my life. Like everything else I guess I will get accustomed to it. But be assured that my mental strength is strong and I will never allow anything or anyone destroy me again.

    Love Orangefatcat....Orange Fat Cat 15 Drooling Bouncy Smileys Drooling Bouncy Smileys

  • Elsewhere


  • patio34

    Hi Lady Lee,

    Health is a good perspective to think about--thanks. It was nice to read what's been going on with you and it sounds as if you have a very nice life.

    When I left the Borg, I was just coming out of having cancer with all the treatments and under a lot of stress (family and non-JW-related), but having guilt from missing meetings contributed to the stress.

    Now, 3 years later, I'm in great health and physically fit. I am building a life that I enjoy and opening up to many new ideas.

    So, physically, emotionally, mentally, intellectually, and any other "ly," I'm MUCH healthier for having left that cult.


  • alias

    Interesting question, Lee. I'm glad you feel much healthier in your life. It's great to review these things.

    Since I've been away I've certainly grown a lot in different places of "me." Passing from my 20s into my 30s without the extreme JW perspective certainly changed the way I feel about life in general. I have more personal freedom to explore and experience things that I find joyful, and being true to myself has been the greatest gift. These things alone are wonderful and healthy.

    I've less stress in my life as well; no one looking over my shoulder (peer pressure) to measure my level of spirituality or committment to the organization, no meetings or door-to-door ministry to run off to. No feeling of an obligation to preach my belief system onto others in the privacy of their own homes. Refocusing on my own spirituality without aligning myself with a group of others has been empowering.

    Growing older in a system that I was uncertain of even existing in the year 2004 has forced me to seriously pay attention to my health and fitness levels. Thus, taking care of my body and nourishing it with wholesome (hey piph!) food has made me healthier too.

    I do have some biological issues that require medication to balance out at times. Understanding that it has nothing to do with my spirituality (or lack of) has given me a healthy attitude towards accepting it and taking care of it to function at my best level.

    I credit taking responsibility for myself as I grow older to being healthier, but having the time and energy in my life to pay attention to such things has undoubtedly been crucial. If I were still an active JW I have no idea how I'd be feeling right now, or if my viewpoint would have changed so much to allow myself to be more human.

    I'm happy to be in the place I'm at now. More healthy, yes.


  • Joker10

    Some time ago, this question was asked. Some said they weren't physically active anymore. Others got more lazy.

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