Are you a healthier person since you left?

by Lady Lee 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • Sargon

    Mentally, physically, emotionally and socially healthier; but as they predicted morally depraved.

  • kat2u

    I feel like ive finally been allowed to grow up and become an adult! is that weird or what?

  • Nosferatu

    I'm healthier mentally. No more worrying about meetings, service, bible studies, preparing for the meeting, and I no longer have to worry about what others think of me, nor do I care! I don't have to hide my dating, relationship, smoking, drinking, appearance.

    I'm healthier physically. No more stomach problems or uncontrollable shaking.

    I'm healthier emotionally. My emotions are much more free and aren't as supressed (I still have occasional problems).

    edited to add more:

    I'm healthier socially. I've still got lots of work to do on this, but I'm much more talkative and opinionated

    I'm healthier spiritually. I don't have to worry if I'm a sheep or goat.I no longer worry about armageddon. I no longer pray. I now have my own thoughts of why I'm here and what my purpose is - and it's definately NOT to spread the good news!

    Bottom line: I'm truly happy!

  • Love_Truth
  • Puternut

    I don't know about healthier, I am still loosing weight for some reason. Mentally happier, definitely! Emotionally, working on it. Socially, much better than before. I go out with people after work sometimes and have a few drinks, and laughs.

    It's a process. I have no more guilt, and that is a mental relief. But I still have my ups and downs at times. Overall, getting there......


  • Nosferatu
    Some time ago, this question was asked. Some said they weren't physically active anymore. Others got more lazy.

    Joker10, wouldn't you be after continually going to meetings and going out on service for decades? Without being pushed, one has to make his willpower and determination work for himself. This makes a person stronger mentally.

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