The Society's Late Sixties Film "HERITAGE"

by gespro 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • gespro

    Hi Guys!

    This is my first posting and my question is:

    Does anyone remember the movie (I believe the name was) "Heritage" the borg presented on TV around 68-71? Anyone who remembers this short film please feel free to comment.

    A quick rundown on me:

    It was so long ago...I was baptised at 9 years old still learning about how to function in life in an abusive house, being the youngest dealing with physical, emotional and (covert) sexual abuse, trying to please my mother. I really did think this was the right thing to do even after being dis-F'd in my 20's up until re-thinking everything over the the last 4 years. I am 44 and my whole belief system has been rocked!

    I've gone through the gamut of emotions and confusion and I'm starting to except all that I have read and heard via Ray Franzs' books and Randall Watters tapes and, folks, this has been a rough one!

    This is my first attempt in putting any of this in writing and it holds a lot of emotion for me as I write. I've seen what all of you have been going through and I see a lot of anger. My deepest thoughts and feeling are this: There is a weeding out work going on, not in that Organization but, in the world. We really do have to forgive everyone for the wrongs done to us and follow the Christs example of love. For me to go on another day in this world, I don't see any other option. I have friends who are also ex-jw's and they are very angry, almost to the point of self destruction.The pattern we have in common is once we live through the pain of discovery, we can either set out to destroy those who hurt us or we forgive and remember- Jesus fortold these things.

    So, now that the storm has blown over, I want to practice what Jesus teaches us and not hate but, to love.

    I pray this anger and hurt doesn't consume us any longer

    May real love and peace be with you!


  • LukeN

    cant say i have

  • seeitallclearlynow

    Hi gespro, and welcome to the forum.

    No, I don't remember ever seeing or hearing of that film!

    Can you tell us any more about it? Thanks.

  • bikerchic

    Welcome gespro!

    No I have't heard of the movie, I wonder if there is anything about it on the WTS CD-rom?

    I've gone through the gamut of emotions and confusion and I'm starting to except all that I have read and heard via Ray Franzs' books and Randall Watters tapes and, folks, this has been a rough one!

    It's good to know you've gotten on in your life outside the JW's. It seems a common thing for people to run the gamut of emotions while learning the truth about the "troof". Hang around here long enough and read about other's experiences and you will see it's a bit of a rough ride until the healing finally starts kicking in. How fast you heal depends on you. One thing that helps it along is helping others and that's what this forum is all about helping ourselves and others to cope with the rough ride. Anger is just one of the many emotions and usually the first one that crops up, be patient with yourself and it will pass and you'll move on to a better life.

    Enjoy the forum and the ride!


  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    I haven't seen the movie but we have a lot in common


  • Room 215
    Room 215

    Sure, I remember it quite well; it was produced by a certain Timothy Galfas, a Greek-American JW who rose to prominence in Bethel circles because of his wealth and a very close friendship with Milton Henschel. He spent some of WW2 in prison as a conscientious objector, and somehwere along the way he acquired the skill of photography, which he parlayed into a lucrative commercial career, having done commercials for Marlboro and the Ford Motor Company. Originally from somewhere in Georgia (Atlanta?), he bought a large Victorian house on Prospect Avenue in Hackensack, New Jersey. I recall he did at least one episode for Rod Serling's ``Night Gallery."

    He had six children, one of whom, Timothy Jr. was a long-time Bethelite, Gilead instructor in French; the father at one point was disfellowshipped, I believe, following a divorce.

    Because of his favored status, he was permitted to have a goatee (the ``artistic look") in a period when it was even more severely frowned upon in JW-land; he threw fairly lavish parties for the favored few, and was in general quite widely resented for the favoritism shown him, although in truth, he was a fairly genial if somewhat ``full-of-oneself" fellow.

    The film was mostly shot in and around Bergen County,. New Jersey, with the players mostly teenagers from the Hackensack and neighboring congreations. It's basically a ``Young People Ask" type format, extolling the virtues of the JW family lifestyle and values, with a contrasting look at the contemporary ``worldly kids" lifestyle that, if viewed would seem ludicrously dated.

    Produced in the late 60s, It seems to have died a quiet death sometime in the early 70s. I'd love to have another look at it today.

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    I have vague recollections of the movie. I was a Dub in NYC during the late 50s, the 60's and most of the 70s.

    As for your "forgiveness," I recall the saying that "all that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing." Your forgiveness helps the hypocrits hide, gives the abusers the anonymity they seek and turns a blind eye to the victims of the lie. Let the men of The Watchtower pray to their sock-puppet god Jehovah for forgiveness; there is work to be done.

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  • cruzanheart

    Welcome, gespro! Yes, I remember the film but not its content. We got a copy of it once upon a time and showed it in the town in Australia where we were living.

    You're not that much younger than me (I'm 48 and was baptised at age 9 in 1965), so we probably remember a lot of the same events. I'm so sorry that you had so much abuse in your life and I hope and pray you will find serenity. Have you seen a therapist? That can be helpful too, to put the past in perspective.

    This is a wonderful forum and you will find lots of interesting things to read. Great to have you!


  • RubaDub

    Room 215 ....WOW ... excellent points.

    I remember Timothy well too. We was a good friend of our family.

    He really was into the lavish lifestyle as I recall. But from what I understand, he was extremely well respected for his work, especially un his commercial pursuits.

    And yes, his home in the Atlanta area was beautiful.

    ***** Rub a Dub

  • franklin J
    franklin J

    Welcome to the forum Gespro

    I am 48 years old and had been raised in the "Truth". I faded out 20 years ago. I never heard of the film. I grew up in one of those "Theocratic" families ( elders, pioneers, etc) with many conncections to Bethel.

    I do believe that once we leave the JW set of beliefs; based on my experience, we need a new support network of friends. Bitter? Yes, some people are and with very good reason. I am the first one to admonish keeping a positive mental attitude in rebuilding our lives. However, that must be very hard to do for some who look back and see a wasted life.

    Ultimately, I do believe our lives are what we make of them.


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