The Society's Late Sixties Film "HERITAGE"

by gespro 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • Dino

    Saw it in the late 60's and my memories are sketchy, but It seemed to me cheesy at best.

    Thanks for bringing this up even though I am dating myself.

    Welcome to the board...


  • TMS

    As Maurice Chevalier used to say: "Ah yes, I remember it well!"

    This film was originally part of the circuit overseer's public talk in his visit to the congregations. The film was shown and then the congregation's young people up to age 19 fielded questions from the C.O. for the balance of the hour.

    The thrust of the presentation seemed to be that young witnesses had much to be thankful for in comparison to their worldly counterparts. Witness kids received a "heritage" of self-respect, good friends, a clean conscience, no harmful addictions or unwanted pregnancies, etc.

    One scene in the film stands out in my mind. It portrayed a family arguing at the dinner table. The youngest boy covers his ears with his hands.

    In another scene, a witness teenager defends her faith in conversation with another girl. The worldly girl says she has always found the Bible rules so "Victorian."

    This film was later made available for circuit or congregation purchase, but there seemed to be little interest.


  • dannyboy


    RE: How did the Society show it locally?

    They just had the local congregation approach the local TV stations to show it as a "public service" type thing....

    At least that's the way I recall it


  • PopeOfEruke


    Thanks for bringing this up even though I am dating myself.

    I guess that's one way to save on restaurant bills and movie tickets.


  • happehanna

    have you noticed the link on jws post has been removed to the database list of films made be the WBTS has been deleted.

    I reckon that 'they' read this site and do what they can to remove evidence.

  • Dino

    Lol Pope.

    And I never get turned down!

    Take care.


  • sf

    Just a few 'tidbets' to munch on:

    ... E. Freschl Robert Friend Ira L. Fritz Sol Gadol Timothy Galfas [from NY ... Charles L.
    Wilhite Enis, Meryl & Victor Willhite [brothers; Jehovah's Witnesses] John A ... DG022ACLU.NCCO/dg022acluncco.htm - 59k - Cached - Similar pages

    Business Wire: Aero Colours Appoints Timothy Galfas to President ...
    You are Here: Articles > Business Wire > March 9, 2000 > Article. Aero Colours
    Appoints Timothy Galfas to President of Their Franchise Division. ... 60014653/p1/article.jhtml - 12k - Cached - Similar pages

    Norwalk Public Library
    ... Credits, Director of photography, Timothy Galfas ; animators, Craig Armstrong, Dale
    Baer, Brenda Banks ... ... Guard, Dominic. Galfas, Timothy. Armstrong, Craig. ...,16,29,B/ frameset&FF=tlord+of+the+rings&7,,8 - 12k - Cached - Similar pages

    The New York Times: Movies: The Lord of the Rings
    ... Art Director Leonard Rosenman - Composer (Music Score) JRR Tolkien - Book Author
    Peter S. Beagle - Screenwriter Timothy Galfas - Cinematographer Donald W ... - Similar pages

    ... Timothy Galfas VP Franchise Services 404.222.8080
    (Voice) 404-222-8010 (Fax) [email protected]. Milton ... exhibitors/company.asp?id=6532 - 58k - Cached - Similar pages


  • Wren

    Yes, at an impressionable 11yrs.old, I saw it at the KH. I swallowed it hook, line and sinker. I remember something about JW's holding high "peace of mind & self respect" in the film. Right, good qualities to develop young but ultimately in the wrong religion.

  • orangefatcat

    Welcome Gespro:

    That is an unusal name, is there any significance to your name? I recall years ago several different movies the Society had in the 60s and early seventies. I didn't recall the name Heritage I have to admitt. Although in those yrs some of the presentations the society had were rather interesting. I recall them also using the radio network aside from their origanal station to preach to people on the waves. (Radio Waves", sounds kind of funny doesn't it ). It was always on a Sunday morning and our family would listen to week after week.

    The PhotoDrama of Creation was amazing for its time. Each slide being hand painted and covered with another slide of glass to protect the paintings. Each were framed with a small paper frame. I recall seeing it on occaisions as a bro who professed to be of the anointed had the entire set, including the slide machine itself and many news reels of Russell preaching in England at the Royal Albert Theatre. He had extra's of certain slides and because we were close friends he gave me five of the painted slides. They are rather beautiful in appearance. As I mentioned these were hand painted in 1911 and 1912, so they were ready for showing especailly during the war years when the world was rather a dismal place of existance. It was to bring some kind of comfort to the people at that time.

    Gespro, I was saddened by your story. It is remarkably a common story from many ex jws. They have had to go through so horrific times in their lives and my heart goes out to you and all others who have suffered such atrocities. It is nice that you are channelling your energy into healing. It takes a long time for scars such as these to pass. Unlike physical scars one can see those on a person, but as for scars of sexual abuse we don't see these type of scars and sometimes it is difficult for people to understand and have empathy as they can't see your scars. I do hope that in time your pain passes. And that goes for any ex jw who have been so badly scarred by the atrocities metted to them . And as far as I am concerned the person who is the abuser should be drawn and quartered or have their genitals cut off. They are warped people who prey upon the innocence of young ones. Prison isn't good enough for them they should be exposed so all know about it. So many of them use the repentant clothe to cover over their deeds and so it is not told to the innocent in the KHalls. So with the Society's rules you can do anything and be forgiven if you are repentant. I know these persons are still predators that never goes away. Thanks WTBS for covering up these sick bastards.

    Once again Welcome and hope we see more postings for you in the near future.

    all my love OrangefatcatOrange Cat 15 Drooling Bouncy Smileys

  • SadElder

    I believe the film's actual title was "The Heritage of Youth - Will It Be Good or Bad?"

    As others have stated it was presented at Circuit Assemblies and later at the congregatinal level by the CO. After run through the circuit the film was to be left with the circuit for use by any brothers who wwished to present it.

    Actually for it's time it was quite well done. Ulyss Glass and Ed Dunlap were quite involved in the production from inception to final product.

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