"faithful and discreet slave" refers to all members of that anointed spiritual nation as a group on earth
Wasn't there just recently an article that refered to the GB as the FDS? Are there not a few new non-Anointed GB members?
by minimus 31 Replies latest jw friends
"faithful and discreet slave" refers to all members of that anointed spiritual nation as a group on earth
Wasn't there just recently an article that refered to the GB as the FDS? Are there not a few new non-Anointed GB members?
The GB represents the FDS and as of this point, they all must be anointed. All present GB claim to be anointed.
There's seems to be a different slant in this article for sure. If you can get past all the self-serving rhetoric.
What's the different slant???
Looks like the WT is finally catching up with Ray Franz. Take a look at the concluding portion of Chapter 5 'The Faithful and Discreet Slave' in his book 'In Search of Christian Freedom' from page 168 onwards.
Ray uses the scriptures and his own logic to show that ALL individual Christians have the potential to be either a faithful slave/steward or an evil one. Same would apply to the parable of the virgins.
The articles make a case for supporting the FDS traditional view held by the Society but then slyly make the Great Crowd fulfilling the FDS prophecy.
Minimus, I personally don't see it that way. The "Great Crowd" are still second rate Christians. The only thing I can see is the Society redefining the great crowd. I've met some JW's who believe that the Joel prophecy will be fulfilled in the great crowd, where the Lord's spirit will come upon them and they will prophecy, etc. That could be an option, having a Governing Body from among the great crowd.
Another option would be re-interpreting the elijah/elisha scenario. Elijah representing the 144,000 anointed one, who when they have left the earthly scene, transfer their "power/authority" to the elisha class, the great crowd.
All I know is they better do something QUICK!!! Or else or their anointed will be dead.
Blondie----now that you're back, can I get your opinion on this????
Haven't read that one yet. One WT article a week is about all I can stomach.