George Bush on "Meet the Press"
by RubaDub 43 Replies latest social current
I'm not a Bush fan, but I don't think it's fair to use malapropisms...If you followed me around my classes for a week, you'd hear a lot of tripped-on phrases that most of the time my students don't pick up on. Bush has every word spoken recorded and replayed.
Then again, he can't even pronounce "nuclear"
If you followed me around my classes for a week, you'd hear a lot of tripped-on phrases that most of the time my students don't pick up on. Bush has every word spoken recorded and replayed.
Come on now, we're not really picking on President Bush.
We just recognize his unique use of words as a higher form of art.
***** Rub a Dub
Phantom Stranger
You know, on the one hand, I know that everyone does it to some degree... but most of us, after being followed around by reportedr with tape recorders for four years, would probably get better at it.