Elders searching for long disassociated ones

by Gretchen956 25 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Englishman

    Heh heh..Just recalling meeting up with Maverick in Orlando. He said pretty much the same thing there too. This man wants justice!

    It was a good steak that we had in..Bennigans(?), good steak and great beer and excellent company.


  • benext

    An elder from my former cong. asked family members to ask me if it were okay for him to get my address. I wanted to know why and they didn't know, so I declined. This fellow has my phone number and the local cong. has my phone and address so I have no clue as to why they're playing this game.

  • garybuss

    In my case I went after THEM after 18 years. I started calling them and asking for answers to my questions. A couple elder boys came over and promised to get back to me with some answers but then never came back. (read, they lied) Once I called the Kingdom Hall and asked if someone could deliver the latest magazines and a Witness I know and a Circuit Servant brought them and stayed for 2 hours. The Circuit Servant told me if I had questions, to put those questions on the shelf and go to the next stage without answering them. I assume that's how they deal with all rational questions from new recruits.

    I set up a recorded message on a dedicated phone line and ran an ad in the local papers. I got a yellow page ad under Jehovah's Christian Witnesses. The ad and the line caught the attention of the media and several former Witnesses and myself were interviewed and in 1996 my picture and the article about Witness shunning and blood medical non-treatment was on the front page of the local daily paper.

    Steve Hickey set up a forum to have questions to and about the Witnesses answered and every elder I knew was summoned by certified mail to attend. None showed but about 100 other people did . . . along with the media.

    Then the local CBS affiliate TV station news magazine showed up and did a story and the Pay Attention book and I made the 6 and 10 oclock news.

    Then the local tabloid did a huge front page article on the Witnesses.

    So in my town, the former Witnesses go after the elders. If they came to me, it would be like the piglet showing up at the barbecue.:-) GaryB

  • Maverick

    Gary, you are a man after my own heart! I am humbled in your company! Maverick

  • garybuss

    Maverick, Here the Witnesses cops don't go after long disassociated ones (like me), they run away from us. There's no reason in the world to be afraid of those nose pickers.

  • dannyboy


    Right on! Way to go. I admire that.

    Personally, don't have the energy right now for such "in your face" stuff, but I think it's cool.

    ---Dan of the Keep A Low Profile Class

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