Can a pedolphile reform?

by Bonnie_Clyde 21 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    Then please be very careful

    One thought: When you talk to his ex the one time you might want to think about mentioning the sexual abuse. She could spread the news to any children etc

  • SheilaM

    I wish you had chosen to speak out before he had children:( Do I think they can reform NO

  • wednesday

    Bonnie, i totally understand were u are coming form on the money issues. Someone has to care for our parents, and it is usually the girl in the family. Is your father in his right mind? if so, go to a lawyer and tell him what is happening and see if your father will make out a will and legally protect u. What your brother is doing is commmon, fighitng for money. Or if u are not really caring for your father and don't care, then let your brother take over. Let him do all the work. But going to a lawyer is important. U must have a will. I would not share any gift with him. U do not owe him anything. But to protect yourself against this nazi type harassemnt, get legal help or he will get it himself and accuse u of sqaundering an elderly person funds, which is what he is up to.

    Peoples real personality's come out when money is involved.

    And if he is accusing u of something illegal, I'd go for the jugular. Tell a lawyer and your dad what he did to u. (the molestations) He is trying to hurt and u need all the amo u can get.

  • bisous

    Oh HELL no.

    Take it from a molestation victim, stepfather as the source. Never.

    Oh wait there is one exception:


  • Panda

    No. They cannot reform. When the circumstances present themselves he would recommit his crime. I know that I felt so guilty when I realised that my silence allowed my brother to molest his step daughter and grandaughter. The money issue? These men are such cowards... always pushing at those they think that they can bully... well you know the whole psyche thing with these criminals... remind him he's a criminal.

  • avishai

    Hell no. Turn his ass in. Sick bastard that he is. Tell his wife. And his kids. NOW!!!!

  • seedy3

    According to the statistics, taken from "Time" magazine, and I testified to this in court when my kids were molested by their aunt, over 80% of sexual predetors do not and will not change, maybe for a while, but they are always a threat


  • Thunder Rider
    Thunder Rider

    I understand that high velocity lead injection to the Medula Oblongata is known to be a proven cure.
    Problem with child molesters is that they don't see that their actions are wrong.
    I don't believe that it is worth the risk to even consider the possibility that they may be reformed.

    Thuunder ==}>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

  • MorpheuzX

    No a pedophile can not be reformed. I was sexually abused when I was seven-years-old by an uncle of mine. He was an alcoholic who liked to beat his wife. So, my mom, his sister, offered him a place to stay for about a week after he'd been thrown out by his wife. Well one night he crept into my room and that was the end of my childhood, and sometimes I think my life.

    At the time I was too scared to tell my JW parents what had happened. I never did, even to this day. Well a few years later, this same uncle's daughter came to live with us for a while. She was hiding out from her dad, who had started sexually molesting her when she was just a child, too. She reported him to the police and the police did nothing. The extended family pressured her to hush it all up and retract her claims. She caved in and did. I still feel guilty about not coming forward then. Maybe if two of us were saying it something would have been done. I was about 15 when she came forward and I just didn't want to have to go through it all again.

    Anyway. I agree with one of the previous posters who suggested that the only way to cure a pedophile is to put a hollow point in their head.

  • avishai

    Welcome, MorpheusX! Ya know, it's never too late to come forward if he's still alive. You could help someone else.

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