Trying to Believe in Love

by Lori 15 Replies latest social relationships

  • Lori


    I am new to this, and any form of online chat, but reading some of your postings inspired me to write. I am even unsure how to check responses, but hopefully there will be some and I will learn.

    I am completely torn. I have met the man of my dreams, and was told the other day that we would not work because he was looking to the future and could not imagine putting up a christmas tree and lights in his home.

    When we met, I knew he was raised a witness, but he assured me he had not been to meetings in 8 years because he did not "feel it". I was very hesitant about pursuing something with him because I had heard horror stories, but he blatenly told me that his families religion nor what he was raised to believe would affect "us", after all, he was not practicing. His mother is a devout witness who is EXTREMELY involved in her son's life, and very against him dating me. The fact that I am a loving woman brought up in the most amazing family by the two worlds greatest parents who are still together and madly in love, means nothing to her. I am worldy, and although her son isn't a "practicing JW", I take away the hope that he may start going soon. I do not know the "truth", therefore, if we were to ever have children and they were not raised in the truth, my children and I would "die" in this supposed "Armageddon". She actually told him this.

    He celebrated Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years as well as a few birthdays with my family and I, and seemed to love it. His mom moved a few hours away which seemed to improve our relationship, until we started falling in love and she began to realize it. Then the frequent calls of how "We would never work" began to brainwash him. He gave me a card the other day, thanking me for all the little things i do for him, and how he loves me and knows that i am a keeper. "I am so lucky to have you as my girlfriend, and in my life, you are the best thing that has ever happened to me."

    Then, he went to visit his mom for the weekend. It was upon arriving from this little trip that this new man with a COMPLETELY different outlook came back to me in the form of my boyfriend. I told him I didnt believe him and that i think he is taking the easy way out to make his family happy. He says he celebrated the holidays and had fun with me, but deep down felt it was wrong. He asked me if i would consider going to a meeting, and I said i would go, but what would happen if i didnt feel it? He didnt answer. Basically, it will never work unless i agree to give up my holidays, which in my very close family unit, is so incredibly important. I even offered to compromise, if we were to marry, I would not have a tree or decorations in our home, but we could go to my families house on holidays. he said it would still be celebrating. I am so angry, so hurt that his mother could have such a deep impact on him and put him in the predictiment to "choose". Why cant she accept me and let me get to know and love her? If she gave me half the chance without pre-judging me because I am not a JW, I am sure I would win her heart. I love her son SO very much, and my world seems like it is crumbling. He is closing me out, and acting so distant. He told me today it is because he has to stick with his guns and be strong, therefore he has to be that way around me. I know he wants to run and hug me when we see eachother, but he cant, because he would break his mothers heart, and its so much easier to break mine.

    I tell him to please have faith in us, in love and that everything else will fall into play. We laugh so much together and care for eachother so dearly. I told him that I feel like I am being discriminated against, like if his family is racist against me for not having the same beliefs! He told me that I have healed him from so much pain and have brought happiness to his life, and that he has never had someone love him like i do. "You are perfect, he tells me, but it will never work because you cant give up your holidays, and i feel wrong celebrating because of how i was raised".

    Please, Please tell me there is a way I can fix this, that i can show him that love is something stronger than some tree! The man is almost 30 and has been living the life his mother wants for him for so long. I know he loves me, but i feel like he is being brainwashed and forced to choose between his mother and me. How can I help him stand up to her? Help her and him to see that she is wrong! He is so blinded by what she says, yet he is not a practicing JW. She even went to the extent to say that some may feel obligated to report him to the "brothers" for being with me, which instills such a fear in him since he would not be allowed to associate with his family. I love this man, and he is such an amazing man, blinded by the "truth". Please, help me open his eyes...


  • concerned mama
    concerned mama

    Hi Lori and welcome to the forum,

    There have been several romance threads lately. Please have a look at this one: Click on this link.

    Please read the thread suggested by jgnat, that she and I think anyone non JW involved with a JW should read. Most mixed relationships are a disaster that ene in heartbreak for the non-JW

    Also read these threads by a poster named Jaina. Wat happened to her is typical.

    If you look in the upper left part of the screen, there is an inbox. You can check there very once in a while for messages.

    Good luck and keep posting.

  • Winston Smith :>D
    Winston Smith :>D

    Hi Lori, and welcome alt

    Well, he is feeling guilty about his being an inacvtive JW voer the years.

    I'd say a good place to start with him is to have him read a book by Raymond Franz; Crisis of Conscience.

    You could read it first and then tell him that you found the book very interesting and would like to get his input on it as well after he reads it.

    Others will have good suggestions.

    Good luck! alt

  • Valis
    The man is almost 30 and has been living the life his mother wants for him for so long.

    lordy lordy! A momma's boy and a JW? Girl, go find yourself a nice worldly guy and get on with your life. All you are going to do is end up stuck with a guy chock full of personal and spiritual issues. You deserve better. Oh and welcome to the forum!


    District Overbeer

  • kgfreeperson

    Keeping in mind that free advice is worth every penny . . . . I think you need to spend time with yourself figuring out how much misery you are willing to endure before it ends. I hope you will decide none and tell him that happy as you have been with him, as much as you love him and you believe he loves you, you are unwilling to play this game. Then be unavailable. Truth is, he thinks he's making a choice when he tells you you'll never marry but you keep on loving him. He needs to face the choice--mom and JW or you. He needs to be without you to understand what he's choosing. I'll just sit here hoping he doesn't go back home to mom!

  • Puternut

    Welcome to the forum,

    Take a look at the thread that was posted, and RUN. You deserve better.

  • Lori

    Thank you all for all of your responses.

    I just cannot see myself giving up on us. It's like, there just HAS to be a way to help him see? The idea of letting him miss me sounds fabulous, if it were not for the fact that work entails seeing each other every day. We even have plans for this valentines weekend, yes, he is going to celebrate it with me, and we have plans to go away for the weekend the following week! I just know what thoughts have been on his mind, but neither of us are emotionally ready to give up our time together..i just wish there was an answer. I have a fellow co-worker who is a non JW married to a JW and they have been together for 20 years. He says they loved eachother and gave their children the option to decide their faith, and so it works. Is this possible these days?

  • Valis

    Only if you are prepared to be seen as an inferior by his family and JW friends. Of course this problem is solved by you becoming a good subjugate to the husband kind of wife AND a JW yourself. Oh and ask him what happens to you if you never become a JW. Then ask what happens to him being a JW after his "Armageddon" comes. Not very nice god letting 6 million out of 6 billion live don't you think?


    District Overbeer

  • codeblue

    Welcome to the board Lori!

    Seems like this guy is a bit wishy-washy. He celebrates holidays, sees his Mom and comes back guilty. Tells you no more holidays.

    Take a look at his pattern of rational...He is 30 years old and seems rather confused. Having a life long partner requires maturity on both your part. (seems like you are the mature one in this relationship)

    This guy is sending you mixed careful. The one who loves the most assurdedly gets hurt the most!


  • bebu

    I really, really, really wish I could be more encouraging about this... But there is only one real hope.

    Honestly, the best thing to do is for you to first read Crisis of Conscience with or without him. Read thru different subjects on, and quietly prepare . A recent thread with a lot of good info is here: After you are much more aware of the severity of the issues, tell him that you have run into some difficult problems that you can't see getting resolved. Ask for help sweetly. If he wants to preserve his relationship with you, this might motivate him to examine the issues that you bring up. It would be very helpful if he is online, and you could just send him links to pages and ask for help in understanding why these issues exist... (I would take them slowly... with luck, he might keep going and start researching more by himself...)

    If he objects, tell him that unless he understand the problems you are looking at, he won't be able to give you a satisfactory answer if there is one. And until you get a good answer, his faith is too hard to accept.

    Luckily, you are not an apostate, so he will listen to you. He is probably motivated to listen to you, especially if you are very innocent and honest about wanting to understand why there are so MANY frauds and scandals (call them "red flags" or "major concerns", though). I would use your womanly wiles and hint at the promise of a future as a motivator for him to find answers for your questions... and hopefully, this will lead for him finding answers for HIMSELF.

    ONLY if this happens, could I predict a positive future for you. BTW, his mom would shun him for leaving the Watchtower, and you would easily have him all to yourself... (I say this without joy. Being shunned would be a great burden for him...)

    Lori, I do hope you'll write back and let us know how things work out. Your home life sounds like it was golden. Please don't settle for tin for your marriage... Make sure he will be YOUR man, not the WatchTower's.


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