Yeah, you can go to that bar with the boys peabrain! Be sure to check your golfclubs for damage when you've returned. FHN
Golf/Guest 77,
I hope this didn't make you cringe too much. I was trying to contrast a wife asking, "Honey, clean the garage, honey, take out the garbage, etc. etc." with a very dominant woman. I would never do that myself. Especially not to something cherished like Football trophies or golf clubs.
Sounds like your mother feared losing control over her household so she felt she had to control even your father. My sister is like that. She feels if she loses control of one thing then all will go chaotic. I feel for her sometimes. She places a lot of unecessary burdons on herself and others. She's a good hearted woman though.
I didn't know you believed the Genesis account. I don't know if it's all true. I'd like to think we all spring from two parents originally. I once heard a talk at the hall that mentioned the meaning for Adam being red face or something like that. The brother pondered whether Adam had a red complexion. How do any of us know what he looked like?
PS Valis, who are you up for subjugating? Or are you up for being subjugated?