The WatchTower likes to use being jealous for Jah as a theme in many of their articles. Of course we all know they are talking about being loyal to the WTS and not the True God. But I wonder if many people get confused about the general attitude of jealousy and its place in a relationship between couples.
Last week when I was out with my lady friend, (a tall, beautiful black woman) she got hit on by a big good looking black guy right in front of me. I just watched the show and paid no mind to the clod. She sent him pacing. I just drank my drink and smiled at him as he scurried off with his tail between his legs! Later she asked me why I did not intervene or get upset? I explained that I am not the jealous type, and I wanted to see how she would handle herself. She was surprised at this. Other men she had gone out with would have been very upset and maybe made a scene! My response was,"why?" I told her that if I'm doing the right stuff another man can't take her from me, if I'm not, then she is already looking for my replacement. So the best thing for me to do was... nothing! Now if the guy was to grab her or get really stupid that's a different story. But she handled him fine and I enjoyed the whole thing!
AS I see it, jealousy is a sign of insecurity and a weakess. The point being if she will go with the other are better off. Some women like to try to get their guy jealous...who needs that? Some guys are little babies when another man talks to their lady friend. It is a lack of confidence and not attractive! Any comments? Maverick