The Holographic Universe - Question for Skeptics

by Sirona 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • gaiagirl

    As I read it, the book doesn't say the Universe IS a hologram, merely that it is LIKE a hologram in a number of ways. The properties which govern the behavior of matter vary depending on the scale at which you make an observation. For example, you can calculate the motion of a planet or comet using Newtonian physics. However, if you attempt to observe something such as an electron or photon, Newtonian physics breaks down utterly. Sometimes, particles such as these actually combine with other particles to become something different altogether, a type of behavior not possible with a planet.

    Saying that the Univese is LIKE a hologram is a way of saying that there is more to the Universe than that which meets our senses. Our eyes see visible light within a certain range of wavelengths, usually between 4000 and 7000 nanometers. Objects which emit or reflect light outside this range are entirely invisible to us, yet they exist nonetheless. Many other beings on this planet see considerably further into the infra-red range, or into the ultra-violet range, than we are capable of. What would the night sky look like to, say, a bee, with its extended ultraviolet vision?

    There used to be an expression, saying that "(This or that) has nothing to do with the price of tea in London", implying that one thing had nothing to do with another thing. However, as more information becomes available, it does seem apparant that all things are connected in an interdependent web of existence. On the scale of the very tiny, experiments shooting individual photons of light through slots in metal indicate that somehow, photons can 'detect' what another photon is doing, even at a distance. This implies that they are connected in some way that we don't fully understand? On the scale of the very large, the mere presence or absence of a massive body at the right location in space can visibly affect the motion even of stars. This was one of the ways that planets were first detected around some of our neighboring stars. As planets orbited those stars, their own gravity would induce a 'wobble' in the star around which they moved, demonstrating their existence even though they could not be seen in the glare of the star itself. Objects such as black holes are invisible under visible light, however they can be 'seen' by their strong gravitational disturbance on other bodies. 'Dark Matter' is also invisible, yet its mass can be detected, and its presence has profound significance on whether or not the Universe will continue to expand forever, or eventually collapse back into a singularity.

    The influence of small actions on the large scheme of things was beautifully illustrated in a famous short story by Ray Bradbury titled 'A Sound Of Thunder', in which the death of a single butterfly has dramatic consequences which reach over many millions of years. The basic idea of this story is the foundation for the current movie 'The Butterfly Effect'.

  • donkey


    First off enjoy Sagan's book. It is one of my favorites.

    On the matter of the Holographic Universe: if it is all just a holograph where is the button I can push that will flood my bank account?

    Jokes aside, let's assume that this true and factual and the universe is holographic and materialism is not the end all. Thus we would have to conclude that persons who had their prefrontal cortex severed and were thus cured of their "vision" via lobotomy have either left the hologram or lost the gift to observe it. Do mind altering drugs allow us to see other parts of the holograph or do they just mess up the abusers internals?

    You know what? I hope there truly exists a paranormal universe. It would change/add meaning to life for skeptics like me. But then why is that in almost 100% of the cases when scientists examine paranormal claims is the outcome always explained by some other effect - a material one? Sure there have been some unexplained events, but why do humans immediately leap to the "it's paranormal" explanation? History has shown that other events that were previously attributed to paranormal suddenly become explicble by the advances of materialistic study in science.

    Sorry I am such an ass...

  • Sirona

    Sorry I've taken a few days to reply to my own thread!

    Some great ideas here.....

    NN and other skeptics:

    What would you conclude from the experiment which shows that particles no matter how far from each other appear to "communicate"? Einstein said nothing could travel faster than light. It seems that the suggestion that they are not "separate" at all would be a definate possibility. What do you think? This experiment definately gives us food for thought in terms of how things may be connected and how our separateness may be an illusion.

    I will come back to this thread with more comments soon, (its Monday and I haven't really woken up yet....)


  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    What would you conclude from the experiment which shows that particles no matter how far from each other appear to "communicate"? Einstein said nothing could travel faster than light. It seems that the suggestion that they are not "separate" at all would be a definate possibility. What do you think? This experiment definately gives us food for thought in terms of how things may be connected and how our separateness may be an illusion.

    I wouldn't feel obligated to draw a conclusion, because I wasn't involved in the experiments and do not have direct access to the data.

    Things that happen at the quantum level do not neccessarily happen at our level. For example. it can be shown that atoms are mostly empty space, but I cannot walk through walls.

    If our separateness really is an illusion, then do I have access to your bank account?

    As I said earlier, similies (saying something is "like" something else) and metaphors (describing something in terms of a dissimilar thing) are not identities.

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