What is an appropriate age to let your daughter date?

by franklin J 36 Replies latest social family

  • Puternut

    Physical age is not as important as is mental and emotional maturity. Though around sixteen or so, is an average figure. Some dates are not all that serious anyway. It's mostly to fit in with the other kids that are dating. It's mostly recreational. Though caution is always needed. My oldest didn't start dating till she was 19. She just wasn't interested in boys. My youngest has always been attracted to boys, and the boys flock around her. Though she's 16 she's just having fun. Nothing too serious. She wants to travel and not be bound to a 'boyfriend'. For her it's just social, and to go hang with her other friends.


  • freelife

    I think that you and your best friends should sit in the living room with you cleaning up a shot gun, have a friend with a chain saw, and have a bag of lime and a shovel by the door and stare him down.

  • Mulan

    We have a gorgeous 18 year old granddaughter who is just now dating. She was allowed to date at 16 but never wanted to. She had lots of girlfriends and liked lots of guys until they returned her feelings and then she froze. Now she is "in love". At least she waited until she was 18.

    Her sister is 15 and chomping at the bit to date, and sneaking around quite a lot. Each girl is so different, but I still think 16 is old enough, and in many cases still too young.

  • LyinEyes

    My daughter is only 10 so we are not , or I should say my husband isnt freakin' out about that yet. But I would probably let her do group outings , if she is mature at 12, no just her and and guy at that age. I just know in less than 2 years she still will not be any where near that. She usually beats up all the boys she knows right now anyway....lol. But it will depend on where she is at 15 or 16 , and the guy she wants to date , when we make that decision. This is a small town so we know everyone and everyone's families which is a plus.

    My son is 17 and is dating a 14, almost 15 yr old girl who is very mature for her age, that is something he loves about her, her intelligence and maturity compared to the other girls at school.

    They were so cute today,,,,he got her a dozen red roses, a heart shaped box of chocolates, and a special card. He gave it to her in gym and of course a crowd of kids had to come see what was going on and who was getting what today,,,,,when he gave it all to her , she had tears in her eyes. Young love a beautiful thing huh?

    She got him a gift basket shaped like a football , full of all kinds of treats and three of those floating balloons. ( I bet he had tears in his eyes too....)

  • Billygoat
    She got him a gift basket shaped like a football , full of all kinds of treats and three of those floating balloons. ( I bet he had tears in his eyes too....)

    What a cool girlfriend!

  • jst2laws


    I have one question to answer your question.

    At what age is it appropriate to start buying your daughter birth control?

    I think twelve is too young.


    Ps Franklin, I hope the above is not too offensive, but I'm a realist.

  • Billygoat


    In your mind, does dating = sex?

  • Billygoat

    And I'm not saying 12 is an appropriate age. I don't think it is either. Sixteen seems reasonable. But I'm curious about your comment.

  • Joyzabel


    when I deliver patients as young as 12, then yes dating = sex.

    The mean age of the patients I see is 16. I'm beyond being shocked at how young the girls are engaging in sex or how many preganancies they've had before they can get their tubes tied and quit being pregnant.

    And please FrankJ, if we can get the kids to not have sex until young adult, then the lastest STD, Human Pappilo Virus (HPV) will not be so prevelent. It is the virus that is causing so many cervical cancers.

    So (sorry no one enjoyed my joke earlier, hate old WTBT's sayings ) but you and your wife need to discuss what you are comfortable with. Inform you daughter about birth control before she begins dating. Accidents happen. Being open with your children so that they don't live double lives is worth the embarrassement of bringing up the subject.

    Have fun! its just beginning.


  • jst2laws

    Andie, you doll,

    In your mind, does dating = sex?

    What is in my mind, at age 56 is not the issue. Its what is in the mind if young people who are surging with hormones.

    No, dating does not = sex. Not automatically, But in this modern society I think it is realistic to consider the inevitable. Am I being pessimistic?


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