In The End----What Will JWD Be Known For?

by minimus 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    My take----- I think JWD will become known as THE number one prime discussion place for exjws and JWs. I think that eventually Simon will get sick of this creation and either sell it or disband it. I feel that as time continues, more people will be helped by this site and Randy's than any other. This place has evolved into a smorgasbord of different everything---=-personalities, ideas, ideals and goals. Over all, I hope that this place never outlasts its purpose and this is to me----to help ex and present Witnesses out of the organization and into reality.

  • DevonMcBride

    This place can be known as a lifesaver. I'm sure there are those who feel this site has saved their life in one way or another.


  • cruzanheart

    I hope that if Simon DOES get sick of this site and want to leave it, that he will pass it on to the next person who will carry on the message of Life Outside the Borg. This board, to me, has been a source of courage, new friends, information, and freedom. You speak of the old posts that were so insightful -- look at some of the newer ones by Leolaia and even JCanon (I think he's been taking his meds lately because I understand what he's talking about), and Blondie's weekly Watchtower lessons! I'm learning a lot about the Bible's history and legends vs. facts vs. prophecies.

    This site does serve a useful purpose. And sometimes we argue, flame, stomp off (but hopefully come back) and behave like Upper Class Twit Of The Year, but we all contribute something to everyone who reads and posts here. I hope this board and others like it will continue until the Watchtower Bible & Tract Society and all of its covert corporations are out of business.


  • JH

    JWD is a healing place for victims of the Watchtower org.

  • LyinEyes

    I agree that JWD will always, in so many of our hearts, be remembered for the great friendships we have made here. Friendships that are not just "cyber" if ya know what I mean,,,,we really know each other, we have been thru ups and downs with each other and the support has been a lifesaver for us,,,,literally.

    I too, like Nina hope that this site never goes away,,,,that it will always be here for us, for the newbies who feel lost and alone just getting out of the borg.

    I thank this site will be know also as the site that created, by it's members ,many Apostofests and meetups, thereby strenghtening the EXJW bond worldwide.

    Rock on JWD and all of it's Posters!!!!!!!!!

  • jgnat

    Sell it???? lolololol. You are kidding, right? There is no profit-making in this exercise. Simon, when he walks away, is going to have to find about a dozen victims (excuse me, volunteers) to maintain the monster.

  • ScoobySnax

    I reckon as a forum that had alot of moderation issues. And a forum that brought alot of people together that needed the kind of help they needed at that time.

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex
    In The End----What Will JWD Be Known For?

    And in the end ... the love you take is equal to the love, you make. -- The Beatles, Abbey Road

  • minimus

    yes, Big Tex, l o v e .

  • minimus
    minimus that's it???????????

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