Do you have a "claim to fame"? Know a celebrity? Appear on TV? spill it...

by somebodylovesme 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • somebodylovesme

    A bunch of people at work were talking and it was amazing who some of them knew (or had a connection to...). So, do you have a claim to fame? Mooch off an association? Been on TV or in a movie or something?

    My claim to fame: I know Meg White of the White Stripes. (ooo aahhh) I don't even care about their music that much... but it's just cool to be able to say "I knew her when!". Her mom and my mom grew up together and have been best friends forever. It's funny.

    So - brag away! Attention wh*res of the world unite...


  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    Well I know a few Canadain celebrities. McKenty the host of McKenty Live, I was a guest several times. A couple of times he was not there and I was interviewed by June Callwood, author and activist, Leslie Roberts, Global News co-anchor and one other person - I would have to find the tape.

    Callwood by the way has written an excellent book called "Jim: A Life with AIDS" about a gay ex-JW man who died of AIDS.

    Jim: A Life With AIDS
    Author: June Callwood Published By: Key Porter Books Trade Paperback ISBN:0886192242
    Published: April 2002 (originally published in 1988) Usually ships in 3-5 weeks

    I've also been on CBC Morningside for a short interwiew. Forgot who the host was

    A couple of years ago I did an interview about cults for The Walking Wounded Dr Penton and our Mouthy were also part of the video series

    I have one story in a published book "Tales of Christmas - Short Stories by Canadian Writers"
    and have edited a couple of cookbooks Food at the Proper Time - JWD Cookbook and Fodd in Due Season which are both available on this site

  • avishai
    My claim to fame: I know Meg White of the White Stripes. (ooo aahhh) I don't even care about their music that much... but it's just cool to be able to say "I knew her when!". Her mom and my mom grew up together and have been best friends forever. It's funny.

    I love their music, & meg is a hottie!

    I've been in a couple of indie films, was an extra in a tv show called nowhere man, was an extra in my own private idaho, but the scene was cut. I grew up in Reno, so I met tons of celebrities when I was little. Shari Lewis used to come into my mom's antique shop and I'd sit on her lap. That's my favorite, but I've met tons more. I also used to work in the music business in a couple of caopacities, so I've met tons of musicians, famous and not.

  • Momofmany

    In 1992 I was in a TV commercial. I was going back to school for automotive repair. The school used me because I was I chose a field that was not common for women. At the local watering hole, I got free drinks from the owner because I was on TV.

  • Mulan

    One of our granddaughters did some modeling when she was little (15 now). She was in a commercial for the Boeing Company's Summer Reading program, that ran for about 3 years. That was cool. Saw her on TV all the time.

    I was on an airplane with Bill Gates one time. He was across the aisle from me, on an all night flight to Taiwan. (I was upgraded to Business Class............he slept all the way, and they escorted him off the plane first, and down to the tarmac to a car)

    The only celebrity I actually know is Mark Victor Hansen (co author of Chicken Soup for the Soul). But I haven't seen or talked to him in about 3 years.

  • kat2u

    I know ben shepherd of sound garden.His mom and i worked together she was a mentor to me in some ways.It was though before he was in any band.He was just a young teen then.

  • neverthere

    Ok, when I worked for a vet I met, Bruno Gerusi, all the members of Rush, Rita Tushingham (she was in dr. zhivago), Bruce Cockburn and a the members of some canadian country band

    While growing up we met, Dini Petty, the man who played the dad on the Swiss Family Robinson tv series, members of CityTV, royalty from India etc.

    I also have the pleasure of admitting that through my maternal grandmother we are related to the royal family in England/Scotland as we were decended from children of affairs with the royal family.

    I have been on TV doing dog demonstrations (showing people how well behaved our dogs were, what tricks they could do) and square dancing with them (yep, for real)

  • Tiamat

    Well, a few yars ago now i was working at a funeral directors, and was hired out to this film extra company. Ended up in The Bill, which is a serial police soap over here.

    Also was in an episode of Inspector Morse (dead on time) with John Thaw, who is a bit of a grumpy old so and so!

    My favorite though was, The Camomile Lawn. A period drama, set as a group of old friends, independantly making their way to a funeral and reminising of their past together. To see Felicity Kendall at breakfast was a treat, but shocking to see her come from make-up as an oldy 2 hours later!!

    With love, Mike

  • Beans

    I know Jehovah, hes a really cool guy!

  • heathen

    I've hung out with the now famous dimebag darryl of pantera and met some professional wrestlers like Tony Atlas and the angel of death guy that used to wrestle the Von ericks.

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