I read the Wall Street Journal during the week, read the local paper (the Oregonian) on Sunday, read AP and Reuters news wire postings all week, and listen to NPR. I also read Slate.com's daily Today's Papers post, with a digest of the top stories from the WSJ, USA Today, the NT Times, the Washington Post, and the LA Times.
Then I read The Economist (a weekly newsmag from the UK that is very good) and probably about 7 other mags a month, from Shambhala Sun to Backpacker to Yoga Journal to Inc and Fast Company. The mags I usually read on plane trips.
I find that Time and Newsweek have been taken over by writers and editors who write like USA Today - competing for TV viewers.
I tend to watch The Daily Show and Countdown with Keith Olbermann, but other than that, I do not get much news on TV unless I'm watching CNN during a war or some breaking news situation.
PS. B, the reason I don't read the Oregonian during the week is that, despite its Pulitzer-winning status, I don't find it that good. I am working on reading the Metro and front-page sections more often, because I want to start following city, county, regional, and state government more. And I do read Willamette Week.