A pertinent parable- who are you?

by Love_Truth 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • Love_Truth

    There was this group of individuals, with backgrounds in diet and nutrition, who began to study the effects of food on the human body. Over many decades, they continued their study, along with publishing many books on the subject. Adherents to their beliefs believed the information so wholeheartedly, and believed that the effects of the diet were so positive, that they told all their friends and family members, neighbors, and even strangers about it. Some believed, and also became adherents to the diet. One of the key teachings of the diet was that ONLY the foods recommended by the leaders could be eaten, other foods would have disastrous results.

    In time, some believers started to question the leaders, as the teachings on what foods were acceptable became stricter and stricter, and the ?approved? foods list became narrower and narrower. When these ?doubters? would raise good questions, some were answered, but many were brushed off by the leaders with a ?because I said so? answer, without any proof that only one viewpoint was ultimately correct.

    Eventually, some of these ?doubters? left the group, or were forced to leave, and, upon doing so, fell into three categories:

    1)- Those who would eat absolutely anything, regardless of what they were previously taught.

    2)- Those who stopped eating, because they were so disgusted by what the group had taught them, that they abandoned all of the teachings.

    3)- Those who realized that there was value in what the group had taught, and that it is both necessary to eat, and to watch what one eats, within the realm of what is known.

    The FIRST GROUP truly enjoyed their freedom- they ate whatever they wanted, and they found many exotic foods that were indeed quite tasty. Unfortunately, occasionally one of them one eat something poison or diseased, and would either die suddenly or live on with a disease. Eventually, the majority of them died well before their ?time? had come.

    The SECOND GROUP, living on anything but food, became continually weaker, and those who did not change their ways died within a short period of time. Those that came to realize the error of their ways either re-joined the original group, or one of the other two groups.

    The THIRD GROUP, like the first, truly enjoyed their freedom- they originally ate only those foods approved by the original group, then slowly, after studying foods on their own, came to eat a much broader and tasteful diet. However, they continued to err on the side of caution, and so, while they may not have partaken of some fine foods, they lived the longest, and on average, were the healthiest of these groups.

    I'm glad I'm in the THIRD GROUP. How about you?

  • Country_Woman

    Nice to see you here and there....

  • City Fan
    City Fan
    the majority of them died well before their ?time? had come
    those who did not change their ways died within a short period of time

    I'm glad I've left bs like this behind.

  • Love_Truth

    Question: How many legs does a dog have if you call the tail a leg?

    Answer: 4.

    You see, calling the tail a leg doesn't make it one. Nor does calling a logical statement "BS" make it anything other than what it is, a logical statement.

  • Sirona


    That wasn't too bad until the last bit where you start talking about people dying because they ate the "wrong" food.

    That is just fundamentalist crap. In this case it is crap - if I call it a cream tart its still crap.

    I can't believe you're actually trying to teach us with this ridiculous "parable". Who do you think you are?


  • City Fan
    City Fan

    Another logical statement is that you come across as a right self-righteous tosser.

    Your so-called parable, which basically says anyone who doesn't think like yourself will die an early death, is the sort of nonsense I'm glad I've left behind. Do you know how insulting these kind of comments are? No, I suppose you don't.


  • Love_Truth


    You took it the wrong way, then. I have not defined what the "diet" is, and you jumped to a conclusion rerroneously.

    Please re-read the post. Sorry for the misunderstanding, perhaps I could have been clearer.


  • Love_Truth


    Again, I'm afraid you are reading something into it that just isn't there. I have not defined what the "diet" is, and you jumped to a conclusion erroneously.

    Please re-read the post. Sorry for the misunderstanding, perhaps I could have been clearer.


  • RunningMan
    while they may not have partaken of some fine foods, they lived the longest,

    They just wished they were dead.

    As near as I can tell, your "parable" seems to be teaching a lesson in obedience. If this is the case, then you are flogging the wrong message to the wrong people. Expect a rough ride.

  • Love_Truth

    Oh, what a study in human psychology! I see only one out of four read this with an open mind. "Obedience"? Where?


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