P.S.- We have a few folks who feel insulted or offended by this parable. BEFORE responding, PLEASE make sure that you read and comprehend what was written, that you do not put words in my mouth when responding. Why? Because it's a parable, there 's both a moral and (somewhat, apparently) a riddle involved, and, if I make it any clearer, then it defeats it's purpose.
Here's a hint: If you think it's in error, then ask yourself what the outcome of each of those choices would be, and which group you are honestly in (it's not disparaging, it's simply your mindset) and make sure you don't jump to conclusions.
Hint #2: Read carefully- does it say that any group won't die? Or, does it say what the likelihood is, in general, that one group will have an average life expectancy that is lower than the others?
Thanks, and Enjoy!!!!!!!!!!!!