Thanks Puternut,,,,,,,,,,It feels good to be able to really comfort people, not like the false bull crap comfort we were told to say to people.......of course what this Sister Holy said was just emotional blackmail if you ask me.
sKally----------------- O M G !!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have been wondering who you were from the old about. com JW days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOW!!!!!
Did I ever tell you that you ,,,,"apostate" , hehe, got me thinking about alot of things back then,?????,,,,,,oh I fought it tooth and nail ,die hard JW, but you put a seed of doubt in my mind and look at me now!!!!!!!!!
I will PM you with more catching up to do...............hugs,,,,,,,,,,,,,Dede
Thanks Shotgun for sticking up for my honor.............hehe,,,,,,,,if the waitressing doesnt work out,,,well I will keep other options open ...LOL.