Now they're 'censoring' Scooby-Doo!!

by Abaddon 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • dustyb

    NO, SAY IT AIN'T SO!! damn, i'm so sad that the little deaf kids can't watch TMNT. that is the greatest cartoon of all times!

  • Leolaia

    We get free second tiered cable for a few months and so I was able to watch some Smurfs!! I saw an episode I prolly missed one day i had to knock on doors and bother ppl.

  • Stephanus

    The NAD is lobbying Congress to change the policy. Some networks and sponsors are stepping in and providing captions for some of the "inappropriate" shows. But the government's dismissive treatment of 28 million Americans defies words.

    Interesting assumption: the Government must always be providing services that it seems the private sector is perfectly capable of providing.

  • DanTheMan

    Anonymous people using secret guidelines to make decisions affecting large numbers of people.

    Welcome to the Watchtower States of America.

  • ball.

    I'm suprised that all shows aren't subtitled in the US like they are in the UK, I just took it for granted.

  • Yerusalyim


    Explain to me why it is exactly the government is suppossed to be paying for Closed Captioning...which isn't free...especially for a Cartoon. There is absolutely NOTHING preventing a National Sponsor to COMMERCIALLY pay for the CC...instead of government funds. This is where the money needs to come from.

    This article again misuses terms. It's pure rhetoric and hyperbole to call this one is preventing the CC of these programs...the government simply sees no education value in paying for it....Why don't YOU flip the bill for it?

    Below is the text of an email I sent to Moffet:

    Mr Moffett,

    I read with Interest your Opinion Column ? Censor 'Scooby-Doo'? Words fail?

    Your misuse of the term CENSORSHIP is quite misleading. Does the term hyperbole mean anything to you? It?s because of irresponsible ?journalists? such as yourself that terms like ?racism? and ?homophobe? carry so little meaning today.

    This is NOT an example of censorship. The government isn?t preventing anyone from providing Closed Captioning for the programs you mentioned. Can you explain to me why it is that the government should be paying for this?

    If this is an example of your work may I suggest you keep your opinion to yourself as a form of self ?censorship.?


    Michael A. Cavalier

  • Badger

    I don't think it fits the textbook definition of censorship, but still, it's a rather lilliputian tax pill to swallow...what's more, I question the criteria. the fact that we have people in government deciding what to do with our tax money without even the courtesy of who they are or what their guidelines are should scare you.

  • Abaddon

    AH... Yeru...


    Explain to me why it is exactly the government is suppossed to be paying for Closed Captioning

    Why the hell should I explain that? You elected the bastards. I mean, from my Euro-Pinko-Socialist-Pothead point of view, if Cape Hunting Dog and wolves can care for their sick and infirm, humans can too.

    I realise that welfare is a four-letter-word in the USA - it's not that American's are mean - they do give generously as individuals. Effectively their individual charitable contributions plus the smaller proportion of tax spent on health and welfare in the States result in a similar staus quo for those who need help due to their helath, income or disability... except in Welfare States, it is more consistant, the net is less likely to let people slip through, whereas in the US it can vary heavily reguionally and is sometimes faith-based and can carry an expectation of (at least) lip-service by the recipients to the faith of the givers, niether of which are good things.

    ...which isn't free...especially for a Cartoon. There is absolutely NOTHING preventing a National Sponsor to COMMERCIALLY pay for the CC...instead of government funds. This is where the money needs to come from.

    I don't disagree...

    This article again misuses terms. It's pure rhetoric and hyperbole to call this CENSORSHIP....

    Yeru, take a breathe and notice I added apostraphes round 'censor'. The article is spun to **** but, what's a journalist to do when the governments pins stuff all the time... where are those WOMD... you still think they Fed-Ex'd them to Syria, don't you *laugh*

    no one is preventing the CC of these programs...the government simply sees no education value in paying for it....Why don't YOU flip the bill for it?

    Because I'm not American, silly man.

    I do love the un-named natrure of the commitee... mmmmmmmm open government, lovely... and I do love the sillisness of the item in general...

  • Yerusalyim


    If you're not an american, then why are you "sweating" a purely american issue? Go CC your own programing.

  • missylissy

    thats really stupid. really really stupid. i remember watching a lot of those cartoons, and i dreams of jeanie, and bewitched when i was really little. but i can remember when the banned anything to do with power rangers with from my school when i was in frade 2 or so. but that was just stupid anyways. but Ninja turtles? no way! that show is awesome.


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