The radio annoucer are encouraging neighbours to check in on their neighbour.
One guy had to climb out his window, because he couldn't get his door open.(snow blocked)
I'm going over to check on my best friend and neighbour..(the one with the terminal brain cancer). I have everything place in case of them having to go to the hospital... Got another neighbour on board with a 4 wheel drive and a big plow to plow them out just in case need be.
My fires are stoked to heat the house up warm ... in case the power goes off. (It is off already in alot of areas near me)
I've got food prepared in advance... lots of batteries for tonight..
heat.. check/ food... check/ oops fill up the bathtub for emergency toilet flushing water..check/ extra drinking water... check...
There now.. I feel okay..
Just heard a plow found 4 stranded car about 20 miles from me..(visibility is zero")
Storm surge .. high.
I guess I'm okay.. but will check back in later .
If you don't hear from me.. you know.. the power went down..
Special K