Hi I am new here. Obviously. :^) This is such a large Messaging forum, does anyone have any suggestions on where to start?
Newbie here
by bakedmonkeepie 39 Replies latest jw friends
Hi Baked,
starting thread called "Newbie here" is a good way to start - it makes everyone get their love bombs out!!
Your handle reminds me of a great joke, Moose Turd Pie. Have you ever heard it? You can listen to it from this page ---> http://www.utahphillips.com/utah.html
Its a riot!
Welcome!!! and if you post a short story about yourself that will also help break the ice....
Haha, nope sorry I havent heard of it, but it sounds quite delicious ;^) I got my name from an Eddie Izzard stand-up, btw. I would like to post a short story about myself, and how I came to be here, but I don't even know where to start, hehe...
welcome to the board, bakedmonkeepie.
When you feel comfortable, please tell us about your self.
It all begins with hitting those little sqaure buttons at your finger tips.
Hey Baked,
Haha, ok. I am 23 years old, had been baptized at 16, I was disfelloshipped at 19 without any proven reason. Basically I was crucified by gossip from the more "upstanding" members of the congregation. I am married, and still bitter about my youth (aka teenager years) being wasted in this lying, hypocritical world of "friendship" or "faithful and discreet slave"...... I could go on, but I guess everyone gets the gist of what is going on here. :^)
welcome monkeypie!
District Overbeer
Welcome bakedmonkeepie..
I'll look it up but their is a good newbie introduction thread that jgnat put together.
wow, I am already feeling more welcome here then I ever did at the Hall! haha...
you may feel welcome NOW but just wait till we hit you with the "10 hours a month" preaching requirement!!!
PS just kiddin'