Twisted Life

by Mysterygirl 26 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Mysterygirl

    Hi all

    I just thought that I would share my life as a Jw. I was born into this CULT in 1973. I was born as a hermaphodite (both sexes) this was of great shock to my parents, apparently the confided in one of the ELDERS asking him what thay should do? His respones was that I should be made male (the doctors at the time said I should be Female) My parent took the avice of the elder and I was the made to be a male.

    As I was growing up I beged my parents to allow me to be the person that God had wanted me to be but the elders kept reasuring me and my parent that God wanted me to be a male so that I could one day be a Elder or S/overser.

    In my teen years it became very apparent that my parents had made a mistake as I would act in a very female way. The Elder even had metting with me telling me that God hated the way I was acting and that I should suppress these things and try to be an upstanding member, This of cause lead to major depression and some suicide attempts. After child welfare was brought in my parents were forced to take me to see varies doctors who all confirmed that indeed I should have been made female at birth. This still did not go down the Jws and they sugested that I marry in order to sort my problems out. A young sister was selected and at age 21 I was marriade even though this was a sham it lasted 6 years untill I tryed to commit suicide for the 6th time in my life 3rd since being marride, my wife then Begged me to seek medical help against the wishes of the elder and she was reproved on that. I did and we went to marrige counselling as well. Duing this time I told my wife about the resons that I marride her and she was shocked that the elders had sugested such a thing and did not beleive me. Duing my treatment I decided that the doctors were infact correct and made the decision to become female this lead to me being Dishfellowshiped from the congegation even though there was so much medical evidence in my favor(the body of elders would not meet with any of my doctors to discuss the issue.

    My parents no long communicate with me unless it is for very importate thing Although I am fortunate to have a brother and sister that have also seen the organisation for what it is and left. this does not help me as I am now 31 divorced, can not spell or right, can get a job as I have no education and to make things worse Im now labeled as a transexual ( if I had of been given the correct treatment at birth this would not be the case) I hate these people for what they have done to me, if it was not for my sister and brother then I would sure be dead now I am always trying to think of new ways to end my misory and have been in and out of hospitals all my life. these people realy have a lot to answer for

    I have now been disfellowshiped for 1 year and at the age of 31 I am back at school leaning the basic thing that I could not learn as a child (Spelling etc) as there was now way I could learn these things when I was growing up. I thank Jehovah for allowing me to be disfellowshiped at this age before it was to late.

  • kat2u

    The first thing that came to mind as i read your story is .WOW!

    Who made them judge over what sex you should be? This truly shows the total lack of understanding and godly backing.

    I Am glad you have the support of your siblings.I know from personal experience that that can be truly helpful.I hope this forum and those here can also be of encouragment and support to you.

    With lots of support,,,Kat

  • simplesally

    Yes, I was wondering how the elder came to the decision that you should be male and why didn't your parents listen to the doctors?

  • Mysterygirl

    The Elder said that males were more likly to have favor and that my lif could be of more use in the minestry work. My parents being devote Jws trusted that this was the word from god and still do thay think that Im making a mistake

  • asleif_dufansdottir
    The Elder said that males were more likly to have favor

    Excuse me while I PUKE

    Even after having been a JW, been out all these years, and heard many people's stories, I never stop being totally disgusted at the new things I hear that this organization has been responsible for.

    I'm sorry that all happened to you, but aren't you glad you can be yourself now?!

  • blondie

    It's a good thing then, mysterygirl, that JW parents can't choose the sex of their child like many people are doing in Asian countries.

    How stupid of your parents and how presumptuous of the elder. I saw a tv show about a boy whose penis was maimed in a circumcision gone wrong. The doctors in that case suggested to the parents to have this boy reassigned as a girl. No one told him anything but he was plagued by ideas that he was a boy. When he was an adult, he found out what had happened. He couldn't put back his penis the way it had been and he couldn't father children, but he dressed and lived as a man and was much happier. Even the doctors did not make good choices back then.

    This site seems to be info and support for people born hermaphrodites.

    Welcome, mysterygirl.


  • bebu
    The Elder said that males were more likly to have favor

    Excuse me while I PUKE

    Asleif, please move over. I need some room, too.

    Mysterygirl, I'm so saddened to think that you have had to deal with such wretched and miserable treatment at the hands of your family and those who should have known better--if they knew what love is.

    This is one of the tallest orders of forgiveness I have ever come across here. ...



  • codeblue

    Welcome to the board Mysterygirl!!!

    I found your story to be very moving....I think your parents were horrible to do what they did to you and now you are paying for "their mistake". I am so sorry you have had to go thru such things.

    You came to the right will get a lot of support here. I am glad your siblings are there for you!



  • darkuncle29

    O M F G

    I am very sorry for the trauma you have suffered because of the stupid arrogance and ignorance of others.

    I don't know what to say.

  • Sirona

    Hi mysterygirl

    I honestly don't know what to say except - welcome to the forum, I think you'll like it here are find some good friends.

    Have you considered going to the media with this story? Newspapers would print it if you were willing to do that. Of course you may want to keep it private. I think that such things should be exposed - you could even try writing to the Watchtower society to express yourself about what has happened to you and how badly you were treated. In fact, you could even sue them.

    Just ideas...


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