Twisted Life

by Mysterygirl 26 Replies latest jw experiences

  • LittleToe

    Congratulations on taking control of your life!

    Please keep coming here - the support may help.
    Please don't make any more attempts on your own life - you likely have much healing to do, but you now have everything to live for.

    Again - congratulations - keep your pecker up

  • reboot

    (((((((( mystery girl)))))))) poor you I'm so disgusted that your parents would choose to listen to the elders advice over the reccomendations of a doctor?? and who the hell do these self-appointed medical consultants think they are-they literally played god with your life .I'm so sorry you've had to go through all this.It beggars belief .Their comments about your life being easier if you were male are disgusting and show them up the inequality that exists within the org.I hope you're got some support in your life, do you have a councellor to talk over things occasionally? Please dont worry about the education/spelling aspect of your can go to classes when you feel able to, (((((everything will fall into place slowly))))))))

    hope to see alot more of you xxxxxxx

  • Mysterygirl

    thank you all for your support I am seeing a phyciatres presantly and have been for around a year

    Thank you all again for you support it is realy nise to know that there is life after the truth and that there is so many good people in would that are not beleivers

  • Gretchen956

    Mystery girl, welcome to the forum. I have heard many stories of abuse by elders, some of it physical, in the case of actual child molestation, but most of it mental abuse. In your case you are left to pick up the pieces from their stupidity.

    Anytime you want to chat, pm me. I'm interested in your progress.


  • Carmel

    WElcome Mystery Girl! A fascinating story, I must say... Not supprising though that the elders would assume that they know best how to council you and your parents on sexual identity. Women have always been considered chattel by the Borg. Facinating that God does not prefer one over the other, just has different roles for each to play..

    I'm glad to hear you are going back for improving yourself. You will be tested by will be the better for it and happier in the long runl


  • shotgun


    Your story is shocking, I don't know what to say except forget all the negative thoughts which the WT dupes forced upon you and be who you always knew you were.

    If you were serious in this comment

    I have now been disfellowshiped for 1 year and at the age of 31 I am back at school leaning the basic thing that I could not learn as a child (Spelling etc) as there was now way I could learn these things when I was growing up. I thank Jehovah for allowing me to be disfellowshiped at this age before it was to late.
    Jehovah had nothing to do with hurting you all these years, dfing you or if you so desire re-instating you. Seperate the thought in your mind that Jehovah or God has anything to do with WT. History shows that he doesn't, the evidence is much stronger than any proof they will ever show you that he does back them.
  • Nosferatu

    Welcome to the forum Mystery Girl (reminds me of that Roy Orbison album!)

    All I've got to say is, wow! That's one hell of a story. The WTS likes to portray doctors as enemies, and in this case, you were the victim. I'm sorry for all that you've been through in the past, but it sounds like things are starting to get fixed in your life.

  • JamesThomas

    If only the Watchtower, Bible & Tract Society, could be sued for spiritual-malpractice as doctors can be for medical, you'd be set for life. If only. Welcome Mysterygirl. Happy you are here. j

  • Loris

    This is a great place to heal from spiritual abuse.

    Welcome, Please stay with us for a long time.

    So you are 31? Be a little girl for awhile. Buy you a baby doll, have tea parties. Play dress-up, wear crazy make-up. Do all the little girl things you missed out on. You have a lot of catching up to do. Be you and love you.

    (((((((((((((Mystery Girl))))))))))


  • Sirius Dogma
    Sirius Dogma


    I hope there is a hellfire so those bastard elders can have their own special place set aside and burn for eternity for what they did to you. I am very glad you found us here and have made your own way and are doing what you know is right for yourself. Welcome.



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