Why is it that JW's insist that you must confess your serious sins to earthly men in order to "Put yourself right" with Jehovah?
Small isolated sins don't seem to matter much. However, there does seem to be a finely drawn line that demands confession to elders.
Interestingly, once that finely drawn line has been crossed that demands confession to elders, so too has the line of what constitues a disfellowshipping offence.
For example, occasional masturbation is just about one side of that line, do it while someone talks dirty to you and you've crossed that line and entered the disfellowshipping area. (Apologies if things have changed since that was the case.)
So there is a line that can be crossed that somehow stops you being forgiven by Jehovah?
So, I was just wondering, do people still push the limits of their behaviour right up to that line?
Do they, I wonder, feel a momentary sensation of guilt that quickly wears off, providing that they don't cross the line?
If they do cross the line, do they then feel totally rejected by Jehovah and so desperate for his approval that they quickly seek out the elders, confess all, just so they can feel that Jehovah has accepted them back again?
Or is it all in their own minds?