Ask one dumb question, ask one serious

by LyinEyes 45 Replies latest jw friends

  • LyinEyes

    OK, I will be the first to make a fool of myself........ I am naive in many matters , I will admit that, I am also gullable.

    Since I started working at the bar,,,,,,,,,I hear all kinds of things.....most of the time I am sure someone is just pulling my leg and think they surely dont believe what they just said. A guy tonite asked me for some NABS.........what in the world is that........??? He told me it is those snack crackers you buy that are two crackers with peanut butter or whatever in the middle. I was sure that the NABS, was some kind of secret man code about women or something, and they were having a good time seeing if I believed it . Turns out they were right.........many people have heard these crackers called NABS.

    DUMB QUESTION # 1: Do menthol cigs really have fiberglass in them? If so can you prove it be some kind of study done? I have to think this is one of those urban legend type things that spead thru out as the truth. But I dunno....... I have been wrong before as the above experience testifies.

    SERIOUS QUESTION # 2: What is involved in getting you ABO license ? Is that what that is called, the permit and card you are supposed to have to serve alcohol? I am supposed to go to a 4 hour course on Sunday I wonder what it is all about?

  • dustyb

    Dumb question #1 - If an earthquake happens in the middle of iraq where there is NOBODY, not a soul, will the Watchtower hear it and claim prophecy?

    Serious question #2 - White or dark meat from chicken?

  • LyinEyes

    LMAO off Dustyb......... #1: I will go for $500 and say yes this is true. It will probably be announed as new light at the next Service Meeting, in a formal letter from the GB.

    #2: Yes chicken has white and dark meat........ I swear I know that is true. No really, if you are asking what part is the best , to me ,white chicken breast deep fried in artory clogging oil . Yummy.

  • Englishman

    Which great opponent of Cartesian dualism resists the reduction of

    psychological phenomena to a physical state and insists there

    is no point of contact between the extended and the unextended?

  • reboot
    reboot I feel really stupid as I don't know the answer to either of your questions....

    ..........but I know Mikes...Henry Bergson

  • LyinEyes

    I will just say to Englishman, that I have no clue what you just said, but I am going to go with Reboot on the answer......I havent slept in many, many hours..........can ya tell.......?

    I really need the answers to my questions...........darn it, I just have to quit smoking is all, I went all day without a cig until I can do , I can do it.

  • Maverick

    Englishman are you referring to the two-dimensional or three dimensional Cartesian coordinate system? I'm a bit rusty on the abscissa and the ordinate in a plane system. Maverick

  • reboot
    reboot you're hoping the cigs are made with fibre glass to help you to quit......?

    or you want to quit and change to menthols ? I used to smoke them sometimes cos it meant I smoked less...or you could always smoke and eat mints at the same time-it tastes the same...I then went on to little cigars but they tasted too good-so I just stopped and started running instead-it worked I occasionally stand very close to people who smoke and breathe deeply-but then I look kind of predatory and desperate as they don't know what i'm doing...

  • RubyTuesday

    Think you mean ABC=Alcohol Beverage Control. Never had to take the course.I believe they teach you how to spot a drunk, deal with a drunk and what the penalties are for serving a minor....ect.ect.

  • shotgun
    shotgun answer your questions

    1) I have been involved with the Tobacco Industry for over 30 years, first in research and development and later in the marketing strategies division. You will find no fibreglass in cigerettes. Many different substances have been researched as to their heat sheilding capabilities for use mainly in the filter area where the cigerette comes in contact with your lips. In the end it's just chemically treated paper fibers which make it more durable and also to help it resist deformation due to heat and moisture.

    2) I'd say the boys at the bar just like talkin to those LyinEyes, the next time they ask you to get them crackers or cookies ask them if they want a picture of beer or milk. Then ask them when's the last time they had a Wildturkey beat the crap out of them.







    If you believed the answer I gave you for the first question their is still hope that I'll marry a rich hot widow someday.

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