Heavens doors closed in 1935, PROVE IT, how do they calculate this ???

by run dont walk 10 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • run dont walk
    run dont walk


    a continuation of this thread,

    How do the JW's calculate 1935 and prove that heavens doors were closed ?????????

    I stumped my elder brother, with this question, the only answer he could give was "that it made sense at the time, and people who thought they had a heavenly calling felt better about an earthly hope, because they were not sure of their heavenly calling." What the hell is that suppose to mean.

    I said, enough of the bs, "show me in the NWT or any bible on the planet, where it says that god would close his doors, and that they would close in 1935."

    He couldn't

  • Elsewhere

    As the GB likes to say:

    Don't go beyond what is written!!!

    Don't go beyond what is written!!!

    Don't go beyond what is written!!!

  • Narkissos

    As far as I know it was never explained as a foretold date by any "chronology"; it was just a convenient way for an authoritarian president in authoritarian times to keep a growing number of disciples in subjection and under control.

  • dustyb

    you wanna know somethin funny. i'll give you an inside tip....the heavens closed 2 other times before that =D....i forgot the exact dates, but 1935 is the 3rd times the heaven gates took the slam....(according to the WTS)

  • czarofmischief


    sounds like those heavenly gates need planed down and rehung if they keep swinging open and shut like that.

    Philosophical question: Why does heaven need gates? If Satan could wander in and out freely, and then he was thrown down to earth - what's the point of the gates? What kind of monsters wander the heavenly planes outside of Heaven itself that the angels are so scared of they need gates to keep out?


  • garybuss

    It was a revelation, a discovery, actually the year was 1931 but the assembly in 1935 got all the press. Read all about it in Let God Be True. It was news delivered by ghosts. Remember this is a "spirit" directed publishing company.

  • Mr. Kim
    Mr. Kim

    Heaven's doors were NOT closed in 1935. The GB have made several super blunders through out the years. This is only one of quite a few.

    And the light keeps getting brighter...........................................

    Mr. KIM

  • TheOldHippie

    Heaven's doors did NOT close in 1935, but according to the original writings of Russell, they closed in 1881. The remaining ones, the remnant, of the 144,000 were sealed then.

    Later, it was changed to saying that some few might enter and have a heavenly hope between 1881 and 1914, but that was restricted to a few, being substitutes for those of the remnant in 1881 who later proved unfaithful. (Sounds familiar .....? Just add 50 years or so, and you have the heavenly call being ended in 1935, but a few substitutes being allowed to enter ....)

  • OHappyDay

    Just goes to show, we don't know what we're talking about. Our non-biblical teachings keep getting us in trouble. I don't know why, for all the appeal to the Bible, we insist on keeping speculations that can't be proved by the Bible!

    This "class," that "class"....this date, that date....this assumption, that assumption....It all just makes us look foolish.

  • Black Man
    Black Man

    just another in long line of examples that show that the wtbs pulls crap outta the ass more often than not.

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