I just remembered that the P.O. of our congregation showed a group us the Dateline special back when it was still new. I am deeply puzzled by this and can only guess at what his motives were. It almost seems like it was some sort of test and he was observing our reactions. Does anyone have any ideas on what would motivate the P.O. to do this?
Dateline special
by new light 11 Replies latest jw friends
Well, maybe your PO wants out. Geez, most elders etc. told their flocks to avoid it like the plague.
I was thinking the same thing Avishai said. Maybe it was his conscience that made him do it.
I'm curious. Can you tell us what was the setting for the showing? Did he have a few of the Publishers over to his home? I know sure as hell, it wasn't at the KH, or am I wrong, and he actually pre-empted a regularly schedulted meeting and showed it to the entire congregation?
well if rumors and such spread around the congregation, and people out in field service ask, "Did you see Dateline" it makes them look like real jackasses to say "no".
It's a good strategy. Let's face it. Witnesses are the masters of denial even after they watch something. At least this way they can make "informed denials".
Denial ain't just a river in Egypt, baby!
Does anyone have any ideas on what would motivate the P.O. to do this?
new light, did he make any comments before, during, or after showing this? It might show where he is coming from.
If he said that the media were lying or twisting things, or that the victims were liars, it would be obvious that he is trying to repair collateral damage for the WTS.
If he asked for a response, then he might be trying to weed out "bad" JWs or "confused" ones and set them straight.
Did he show this to a group of JWs? If it was done with just you and him there, then it might have been an opportunity to be candid since there is only one witness to your statements (as long as you haven't talked to someone else at another time). His word against yours.
What has he said in the past about such things?
ok, showing my Extreme ignorance I'm certain but what Dateline special are you referring to?
I was told never to watch that stuff ,but I did
the one i saw was on silent lambs ,
Several in our cong had watched it on TV... they made no announcement about it being "inappropriate" to watch.