OK....I'm going to say who I really am. My real name is Simon Green.
Who Is "Minimus"
by SpannerintheWorks 34 Replies latest jw friends
Big Tex
We haven't had a "who is minimus" thread in sometime.
I've said it before and I'll say it again, he's told quite a bit about himself. All it takes is the interest in reading what he's had to say. One thing he has not done is an easy thread called "My Story". Why? Maybe because he still has family and friends in the organization and he is not ready or able to reveal too much personal information. What's so god awful wrong about that? If you really want to know him, read what he posts about. I did, and I found out he's a pretty good guy.
We love minimus just the way he is! We dont' need to know more..
Big Tex AND Sassy
It's been pointed on this board before, but it bears repeating: There is no compulsion upon anyone to divulge any personal details. So long as the poster complies with posting rules, they're most welcome.
Whatever a poster reveals about themselves in "the real world" is entirely their prerogative.
Some have very good reasons for maintaining anonymity.
A thread that badgers a poster to reveal more than they're comfortable with, will be locked.
Miniumus is the guy who asks all those questions that seem "trivial" on the surface, but once you get into the question you realize it's really complex.
He's also one of my favorite posters here.
Minimus is the red M&M man..........
I really don't think it necessary for everyone to disclose their identities. My name has been out there but not my address. How do you all know that is my real picture? Many know me in real life but not all of you. I think that it is prudent to be a little bit confidential if you have family in the truth and don't want to get df'd. For a while, I only had a cartoon character as my avatar because, although df'd, I still didn't want my jw friends to know I was here...........I didn't want them to think I'd gone over to the darkside..........but now I realize that I am out and they are in and its all never going to change.........
Who is minimus....a question to baffle the ages..
Yes, just who is this little red M & M that danced into our hearts and minds....asking his seemingly endless questions...who indeed you ask? Some call him a troll, others a JW spy and still others a bastard, but to me he will always be the man that told me my ass was yucky.
He has said he is Farkel, but we all know Farkel could never go this long without calling someone a dipfuxk.....he claims he might be Simon Green, but as he as been seen consorting with known "Bushites" I find that hard to believe...so perhaps only sidekick fellow sweater puppy gumby will ever know the secret of this enigma known only as.....
yeah.............That's the ticket! I'm Gumby. That's right, I'm Gumby.
Phantom Stranger
Minimus is the guy who posts questions that he already holds opinions on, waits until someone replies taking that same opinion, and then praises that poster for their wisdom and discernment.
(If you want to know why some people sometimes become irritated with your posting style, Min, that's a bit of it right there.)
No one has the right to harass you about your ID, however... and anyone doing so should examine their larger motives.