Phantom, I don't always have a strong opinion on every question I ask. At times, I read what is said and make a comment that could be praiseworthy because it is expressed in a better way than I could have said it or it gives me a different view than I originally thought.
Who Is "Minimus"
by SpannerintheWorks 34 Replies latest jw friends
Minimus is the guy who posts questions that he already holds opinions on, waits until someone replies taking that same opinion, and then praises that poster for their wisdom and discernment.
Interesting proposition.
Don't we all do that, for the most part?
Phantom, I know for a fact that you're a smart fellow, and can think circles around me on numerous subjects...and so I'd really like to know how you would differentiate yourself, or myself, from minimus.
Phantom Stranger
No, I don't think you always do, either, and I should have expressed myself more clearly so as not to give that impression. My apologies.
Well, I'd like to suggest that you consider what I said as feedback, because it's still consistent with some of my experience... not that that's what you always do, and maybe I only notice it when I'm disagreeing with you. I remember the thread below as part of me forming that opinion.
Oh yeah, Phantom, I remember that one, alright!
so perhaps only sidekick fellow sweater puppy gumby will ever know the secret of this enigma known only as.....
Ok Ok!!!
I can't take it anymore! ......It's time for me to confirm Minimus's authenticity.
I've seen Minimus I know he's real and he is who he says he is. There now......leave my little buddy alone, you bastards.