Little Toe,
That's insulting, dude.Well, it's simply my opinion. That's not to say I don't have a respect for Christianity. I do. But it's a respect more akin to acknowledging Shakespere. I personally can't stand Shakespere, but I understand that he is a great playwright and has had a profound impact on our culture. There are things in the Judeo-Christian philosophy that I admire.
It's also a position of ignorance, as you've self-confessedly had very little to do with religion since your exit rom the borg.
No it's not. I'm well aware of what Christianity in it's myriad forms is all about. When I was leaving the organization I studied many different "takes" on the Bible, some very critical, some conservative, some totally nutty. I've read a little bit of a lot of Christian thinking. You seem to conclude that just because I have studied about Christianity, don't believe it, even condemn portions of it, I must be "ignorant."