Given this, the desire of a few individuals shouldn't override the will of the vast majority (about 76% oppose "gay marriage")
Using this logic, we would still have slavery, it would still be like the 60's with prejudices and divisions abounding between the races. Surveys in the 60's indicated that many people, the vast majority in society, were not for desegregation. I thought the whole reason for having a democracy was not to just protect the rights of the majority but also the minority.
Also, when you say a few individuals, do you think that there are only a 1000 gay people in this country? There are millions of so called "gay people" in this country but as I showed earlier there is no such thing. For the most part, genetically, everyone is bi-sexual. So, the more you oppose the integration of homosexuals into our society, that means the more you are trying to cover up your own insecurities about your own sexuality. It called homophobia, the fear of being feminized and being outed as being "gay". Thus, any survey showing indviduals opposed to gay marriage is flawed because the so called majority that is opposed are simply homophobic.
As far as marriage goes, the states, nor the Federal Government should have no rights in my mind to decide who I marry. The states are only into granting marriage licenses for the money aspect, the taxes, etc. Why don't they make some more money by granting more licenses or here is a better idea, get out of the marriage license business all together. Shouldn't we be more worried about the quality of the marriages in this country and not about the sex of those being married. Nearly half of all marriages end in divorce, the most tumultous event that can happen to a young child. It's hypocritical for so called heterosexual people to complain about gay marriage when their own marriages are a wreck. I thought having a happy family unit where a child has two loving parents were suppose to be "conservative values." Face it, intergration of homosexuals into our society is inevitable, it will just take some more time unfortunately.