I'm trying to get some comments that active Jehovah's Witnesses may have heard after Dateline aired back on May 28, 2002. Do you remember any comments made about the Dateline program either made from the platform at the Kingdom Hall, or in private conversations with other JW's? How were the people who where on Dateline viewed in your area, especially at the Kingdom Hall or by other JWs? Either positive, negative or noncommital comments. If you would please share what you remember about the comments of the JWs/xJW either on this thread or privately through my Private Message here on JWD, I would appreciate it. Thanks, Joy
Remember Dateline??
by Joyzabel 34 Replies latest watchtower scandals
I can only speak for my Mom, who's still a JW. My GF and I recorded that Dateline episode, and took it to her to watch. She refused, saying it was "Apostate", just like when we told her about the UN, blood transfusions, etc. Jaydubyah "truth" is whatever the societ tells' em, at least for the die-hards, of which my Mom is one.
LT, where did you mother get the idea that it was <gasp> "Apostates"? Had she heard it from somewhere? And did she say where?
This is from the talk that I recorded from last summer's convention:
Sad to say, these very, extremely wicked opposers of Jehovah, and of truth, have succeeded in affecting the spiritual balance of quite a few of our brothers and sisters, who have listened to their poisonous propaganda. In fact, in one congregation in a local circuit, eight publishers were very shaken just a few months ago, because of watching an apostate-promoted TV documentary. And this was in spite of the fact that, that very week, the elders had set aside ten minutes of the service meeting, a couple of days before the documentary was aired, to warn the brothers that it was going to be on, and they used material from the Faithful and Discreet Slave to help them to see why it would be dangerous to watch it. And in spite of that, eight publishers were very shaken because they did watch it.Here's the full transcript:
http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/12/57761/1.ashx -
To her, anything that "puts down" the JWs is "Apostate".
She's in her 70s, and methinks she's just too stubborn and doesn't want to hear the truth about the cult she's been in most of her life.
I was speaking to my two children who live with their JW mother. About when the BBC Panorama program about the same subject was to be shown. They said that on the Sunday it was due to be shown, the Watchtower was cut short and a letter from Bethel read out. Basically telling everyone the program was a load of lies made up by apostates and opposers, and that no one was to watch it. Which basically had the opposite effect and EVERYONE watched it. My daughter said she came downstairs later that night and saw her mother watching it. The Elders were supposed to watch so the "could answer any questions raised by the program from people" I know of two elders who resigned because of the program.
There were several people in my hall who said they saw it (including a few Bethelites, and also my own mom). As you may imagine, they said it was either overblown or outright untrue, and that "apostates" most likely got a lot of the people in the episode to say what they said (that is, if the people weren't already outright apostates themselves). Some thought that NBC was being overly dramatic in some of the things; many thought that the video of the pedophile guy who was out in field service going door to door was over the top because: a) the Society would never allow a person who would hurt kids to be reinstated or out field service (), b) Even if the guy was pre-disposed to still doing such stuff, the setting (field service with all the holy spirit being there etc.), and the fact that the guy is in the open public (thus not having the opportunity to do anything anyway), made the danger that NBC was trying to put foward as being too dramatic. I even heard from one person that it was probable that some higher up at NBC was either closely related to an apostate or an apostate their self, and therefore had an anti-Witness agenda. If there were any Witnesses in my congregation who this did affect they didn't state so in public .
new light
It's amazing that almost anyone who gives ear to "apostate teachings" has a crisis of faith. Surely, the absolute truth, from Jehovah God himself, would be able to withstand the rantings of a few disenchanted, spiritually dead liars. Hmmmm.....maybe they don't have "the truth". Maybe the whole teaching is a house of cards, built on a table of lies.
How 'bout the picture they paint of the internet, that it's just a lurking den for perverts and outcasts and pedophiles. Isn't it wonderful to know that all some unsuspecting dub has to do is type "jehovah" into a search engine and the real truth comes right to their screen, an anonymous mouse-click away. The net has become their biggest enemy.
all my g/f told me when she watched it was that it was a bunch of lies. i think i'm going to bring it up again =D