[quote]This is from the talk that I recorded from last summer's convention:[/quote]
I think it is very unusual to insert a remark like that. I understand the "Beware of the voice of strangers"-talk to be a transcript talk that you will find word-by-word in one of the 2004 Watchtowers.
But I think your quote is out-of-the-transcript. I do not think that this was done without the approval of the District Overseer.
Remember Dateline??
by Joyzabel 34 Replies latest watchtower scandals
German JW,
I don't understand what you mean by this.
"But I think your quote is out-of-the-transcript. I do not think that this was done without the approval of the District Overseer"
J -
My jw husband said ,you can't believe everything you see on these shows.He said i am sure things like that happens but those people are not true jws. Blind and stupid.
I saw the last 10 minutes of the Dateline Program. An unbaptized sister that was my pal from my current congregation was very upset about it too!
The next week the letter was read concerning the Program. It never answered my questions: Why did we put the Catholics down for being pedophiles when we are too? Why are pedophiles allowed to go from door to door? (Can't they just do telephone witnessing and turn over any interested calls?) Why aren't the elders turning the pedophiles over to the authorities?
The talk seemed to sweep the WTBS responsibility to this issue under the rug! After all: you need a 2 person rule to turn in a pedophile (that's what the Bible says)
The program was downplayed by some other jw's saying: "they were apostates in that program anyway"...or "Jehovah will take care of the matter".
I know of some reg Jw's in another region of North America...that will not give the WTBS any donations till the child abuse issue is settled or accounted for.
I had a talk a few months ago with a regular going jw...still the same comment: Jehovah will take care of the matter. I did get this person to agree that pedophiles SHOULDN"T be allowed in the door to door work!
I think it was a transcipt talk, a talk that was read word-by-word from the paper. It will appear in th Wachtower this year as a study article.
The remark about the eight persons from a local circuit is apparently not from the transcript. It is a local remark.
I know that convention parts have to be presented several times in front of the CO and the DO. I think this addition to the transript is noteworthy.
Hope to be clear now, I am sorry, I am not a native speaker. -
Thank you for the clarification, German JW.
I understand what you are saying now.
BTW, your english is very good.
I watched it with my JW sister who is still a JW and an abuse survivor by an elder, it upsets her and still is confused as to what and why it happened. Confused as well as to why nothing was reported!
What a screwed up religion!
LOL Valis,
what are implying???
sorry to hear about your mom. Typical
a wee scots lass
As you know we in UK had the BBC programme re child abuse within the JW's. I knew of the family that was featured, but that is the tip of the iceberg I think.
I know of several other (now) ex jws who were abused and know that their abusers were able to take part in FS ect. When I think of the potential harm I was in as a child - I feel sick to my stomach. Although I was never harmed physically by any of them - one of them used to sing to me at the KH a song he made up specially for me - yuk!!
The society do hold a database of these animals and still do nothing to protect these inocent children!!
They must be called to account for their actions!!!!!!