ok, so the elder that i usually talk to wasn't there on sunday. So i'm going to go to meeting on thursday and see if he's there. if he is, i'm going to give him 4 letters/reports. 3 of them are on blood from www.ajwrb.org and the other one is from www.587v607.com .... keep in mind that i don't care if he labels me or not, whats the chances that he'll throw it all away, tell me its not true and to listen to the society, or he'll tell me to write a letter to the Governing Body, or what? what do you think's going to happen?
What would an elder do?
by dustyb 13 Replies latest jw friends
I think the elders have been informed and are aware of ajwrb and will not be happy with you. He prob wont read it.
They will go straight into the trash... followed by your a$$.
That's the beauty of a cult... no matter how much you reason with them they will always stick with what Gawd... err.. the Organization tells them to think.
somethign else thats makin me not want to do this is that i called him a few times yesterday on his cell phone. no answer, but i know that my number was on his caller ID because i made sure that my phone showed its ID (i have the option to hide it if i want to). so far he hasn't called me back yet. no word at all. and this is the guy who i think is a pretty cool chap....oh well
Report you and getcha!
I think you are asking for it-seems pretty risky what you are doing, even if the the elder is cool or your friend. Since memorial is coming up soon, I was thinking of doing my own apostate tract drop at the local KH. I figure this would be the best time and the most damaging. I went to www.carm.org website but I don't really like their tract because it still trys to sell god. I wan't a tract that's just anti-JW and is nicely worded-any ideas?
just curious as to why you are thinking of doing this?
You must be looking for them to label you.............called Marking.......... then your girlfriend will be told that you are bad association and a spiritual endangerment to her.
if he has your in his cell phone directory you wont be able to block your id
#1 i got caller ID. #2 my g/f doesn't know whats going to happen. #3 since i'm "studying", if i find out the real truth about something and he rejects it without any backup scripturally or anything, its going to show a weakness and it'll reflect on my g/f. this is really big for me because my g/f told me this, "Go to (elders name) with what you have, tell him here you go, prove me wrong". What happens if he can't prove me wrong? if he's faced with the facts, what's going to happen? as of now, i don't care if i'm labeled. my g/f will never bail on me if the elders do something to me. i'm not in it to make some organization happy, i'm in it for the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth w/ facts and not interpretations and BS....