I remember hearing about a "demonic episode" when i was a kid, from an old family JW friend. She said that her and her sister came home to their apartment one night from being out, and all the furniture in their home was turned upside down.
She said it was the couch, the TV, the table and chairs, the end tables, coffee table, and other odds and ends. Coincidentally, no very heavy, or semi permanent items were turned upside down. Like the refrigerator, the stove, etc.
My fairly astute Mother at the time, who coincidentally is NO longer really a practicing JW, said to the friend, "how do you know it was demons that did that to the furniture, and not some pranking teenagers or something"?
To which her friend angrily replied, " IT WAS DEMONS, I HEARD WEIRD SOUNDS COMING FROM THE LIGHT BULBS TOO". As if THAT somehow makes it have to be demons.
Its weird how the naive JW mind is so simple sometimes. Its first "go to thought" is demons, or Satan, when most of the time, there usually is a logical explanation. Unfortunately, JW "theology" is not based in logic, its based in NONSENSE.