patio34 & talesin,
Just wanted to clarify- I was referring to organically raised, not locally raised, Beef, etc.
I eat (mostly) locally raised meat, which yes, costs about the same, or less than, the mass-produced and marketed stuff. Most locally raised meat avoids the crowded conditions and cruelty, but by no means avoids use of hormones and antibiotics.
However, "locally raised" does not mean "organically raised". Organically raised cattle, for instance, take approximately three times as long (and 3 times the cost) to produce, on a per pound basis, as hormone and antibiotic fed cattle do. That extra time has to be passed on to the consumer, after all, it's a business.
Incidentally, Mennonites (here, anyway) use the big production barns and techniques of the poultry industry, for the most part.
I would suppose that the "free range" poultry you referred to, however, is indeed being raised free range.
Just a word of caution.