The Passion of the Christ (Movie)

by Golf 34 Replies latest jw friends

  • flower

    one big difference though... schindlers list was based on real events that actually happened.

  • CountryGuy

    I'm going on Saturday.

    Tonight's news reported that a woman in Kansas (I think Kansas), was so overcome by the movie that she suffered a heart attact during the crucifixion scene and died later in the hospital.

    Not sure what to think now.

  • aunthill

    I just got back from seeing the movie, and I am completely wiped out.

    There were places I sobbed, but there were places I thought were overdone, the soldiers beating Jesus as he carried the cross, is an example. I don't doubt that he was struck on the way to Calvary, but he never would have made it if he was beaten as much as was depicted there. And, I really don't like it when it "goes beyond what is written" (sorry for using a bOrg term.) For instance, in Gethsemane Jesus was saying things that don't appear in the Bible, to my recollection. I didn't mind the Satan-character, just adding to what he said.

    All in all, it was a vivid depiction of what Jesus suffered for our sins.

  • Lee Elder
    Lee Elder

    I have mixed feelings about seeing this film. I am disturbed by immense interest and "passion" the fundamentalists have whipped up over the film. I don't question the historicity of Jesus of Nazareth - he is one of my heroes - but I am personally more interested in the religion of Jesus than I am in the religion about Jesus.


  • gitasatsangha

    I'm hoping for a Lord of the Rings/Passion of Christ crossover in a few years.. maybe Gandalf and Jesus taking on Morgoth and Satan.

  • Dark Knight
    Dark Knight

    Jesus would get whipped by a balrog and gandalf impaled to a staff.

  • gitasatsangha


    Jesus would turn the Balrag into a loaf of bread and give it to his followers. Gandalf would get impaled on the stake but return as Gandalf the Whiter then White.

  • asleif_dufansdottir

    I don't want to offend devout Christians, but I've been wondering something, honestly...

    The Romans crucified thousands of people. Some of them were innocent.

    Millions of innocent people have been brutally tortured (some of them for years) and murdered in the history of the world. Yet, somehow, many Christians seem to think Jesus' suffering was the worst of any human being who ever lived. (I suppose because of the seperation from God thing).

    But I've been wondering about that. What do y'all think?

  • gitasatsangha

    Crucifixion was a BAD way to go, no doubt about it, but humanity has been pretty good at coming up with sadistic ways to kill people, especially Christians.

    Some examples of worse (IMO) ways to go.

    The Execution of the Pappenheimer Family: (I'm not going to even describe it. I got physically ill. But here it is)

    China, not to be outdone in the brutal killing department came up with this one:

    Impaling through the Anus and out the jaw sounds pretty bad. It's been done many times.Vlad Tepes was fond of doing it to people.

    Burning At the Steak can't be all the fun for the victim.

    I guess it's a bit silly saying that one method of death makes one person suffer more then all other people in history. So silly, some Fundie somewhere will say it. Personally I'd rather not know WHO suffered the worse. What Ive read is bad enough.

  • Hunyadi

    For decades, the WTBTS has often focussed on the suffering of Jesus and the brutality of his death to strike an emotional chord in members of the congregation. I remember how at each memorial, my poor grandmother would break down into tears as the elder giving the memorial talk would read the scriptures about Jesus being betrayed and beaten, and finally being nailed to the stake and thereafter expiring. In fact, while the WT was running the series about Jesus' life and times back in the late 80's and early 90's, I had fallen behind in my reading and in one night, while alone in my hotel room far from home, I read the rest of the series from a bound volume. By the time I came to the nailing to the stake part, I sat on my bed sobbing like a little girl.

    I have heard and read how the movie was well researched and mostly true to the gospels. (probably no less true than the WT publications and talks). I think anyone who calls themselves a "true Christian" should view the movie. It might possibly deepen ones faith and appreciation for Jesus' ransom sacrefice . . . after all, each year at the district conventions, the Society uses dramas to reach those attending. What, therefore, would be the difference between seeing Gibson's movie and viewing an emotionally charged Bible drama at the Dist Convention?


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