
by onacruse 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • onacruse

    This may better be over in "Beliefs and Doctrines"...but I bet a fair number of you have been to palm-readers, attended seances, etc...so:

    w12/15/1893 r.1604


    MY DEAR BROTHER: Yours of recent date duly received, and again I thank you for your kindness in writing me. I have done more thinking on these matters since I read the TOWER than ever before, and think with better understanding.

    [other comments]

    What spiritual idea can we get from the ?wonderful feats of the mind-reader, Johnstone? I have witnessed his work, and know there is no humbug about it.

    It brings more clearly to my mind how God reads our inmost souls. If that power works between man and man, it is but a little indication of the power of Him who knoweth all. I should be glad if you would write on this subject in the TOWER.

    I remain, very humbly yours, --


    [other comments]

    About mind-reading: I think the achievements of mind-readers are of great interest to us, as illustrating the possibilities of a perfect human being. Lightning calculators, snake charmers, horse tamers, mind-readers, musical geniuses, etc., are all freaks of nature which permit us to see powers, all of which belong to the perfect man. I would not be surprised if, after the new age has been opened and the capabilities of mankind have became exercised: people could communicate with each other without speech, just as dogs and others of the lower animals now do: though each person will also possess the power of resistance and be able to secrete his thoughts if he choose. (EDITOR)

    There are other statements in subsequent WTS literature that specifically support this speculation.

    So, what do you think?

  • Phantom Stranger
    Phantom Stranger

    I think you are reading too much... the sun's out, for cryin' out loud!

    I think that that interpretation is awfully open-minded of ol' CTR. While I am not a "woo-woo" person by temperament, I have seen a few things that I can't explain. I ascribe them to laws of the universe that I don't undertstand, and on which I should not rely.

  • onacruse

    Phantom, yes, it did turn out to be a nice afternoon!

    As for "reading too much"...let's just call it a bad habit

  • Phantom Stranger
    Phantom Stranger

    Craig, any chance you could send me a scan of that letter?

  • Mulan

    Well, it was from 1893. Hmmmm.

  • onacruse

    I'll check with Val...he would need to talk me through how to send him the .pdf and uplink it.

  • Valis

    just send it to me and I'll host it for you..


    District Overbeer

  • Golden Girl
    Golden Girl

    They admit they used to be stupid...

    But they've seen the Light!!!!


  • Phantom Stranger
    Phantom Stranger

    Craig, you still have my e-mail, don'tcha? :)

  • onacruse

    Phantom, yes, I do!

    I just got off the phone with Trav, and he needs to go off to teach a class...the monkey-wanker needs to make a living, or something like that. LOL

    I just tried to copy over the selected .pdf page; instead, it copied over the entire set of 1893 Watch Towers...not the kind of bandwidth I think we can justify. LOL

    I'm fighting a bit of a cold, so I need to take a nap...lemme give you a call in a couple of hours, and maybe you can talk me through this?

    btw, we've got a little party set up for next weekend (just in case you hadn't heard).

    Craig (<-----off now to put his head on a pillow)

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