I'm fighting a bit of a cold, so I need to take a nap
Uh huh.......sure you are! You use ANY excuse you can to lay your lazy arse down on that couch cuz katie told me so. "My back hurts, my head hurts, I feel nausious, I think I'm coming down with something, I just need to relax for a minute, blah, blah, blah. The real truth is........your just getting to be an old bastard so you might as well just tell Katie that. Just say...."Honey....I'm getting old and I need a nap". She'll understand.
Now.....that being said......about the Russell thing. If you were to relate to a dub that you knew of a religious leader who lived 100 years ago who believed some pretty weird stuff......and you mentioned a few of the things Russell used to believe in such as what you have mentioned........AND YOU DIDN'T TELL THEM IT WAS RUSSELL, they would write him off as just another religious wacko from christendom. Tell them it was Russell who believed all this..........and listen to the excuses they come up with to justify his beliefs.
Just as the society glorified the "Waldensens" for being real spiritual troopers.......even though they believed much the same as christendom believed......they glorified Russell. They NEED someone to fill their own history who they can speak well of and be proud of. Russells only "failure" that was ever spoken of by them.....the "Miracle Wheat Scam" was only mentioned because of the exposer it ALREADY had......otherwise we would have not heard about that period.
*gumby......wasting his breath talking to a guy who's sacked out on the couch sleeping his old decrepid bastard life away*