OK, I actually Saw the Passion

by Yerusalyim 54 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Abaddon

    Has anyone seen the merchandise?

    Apparently you can get nails on a thong! They'd sold out in LA so the BBC reporter covering the item had to get one biked in from Orange County!!!

    Really subtle I thought... nails.

    What will they think of next? Crosses? A range of diet wafers? Wine? oh, hang on, they done that...

    Actually it's nothing new to Christianity and nothing new to religion. Merchandise was invented at cult centres prior to Christ and merely continued on afterwards. Fragment of the true cross anyone?

  • Yerusalyim
    Do you think this movie was really made on the "past of Christ" or do you think it was made by Mel for the $$$$$$$$$$$?

    Actually, from what I've read, this movie probably would have been relatively obscure, much like the "Left Behind" movie. Mel probably would have made his money back, but not much more. The hype that surrounded the movie because of critics played it up, and, unlike "The Last Temptation Of Christ" has struck a cord with American's...Mel will make a bundle.

    Can I ask how long the movie wasYeru?

    Right at two hours, a few minutes less really, but with previews and credits, a bit over two hours.

    You forgot to mention that it is God who supposedly does the condemning. God condemns us because a guy ate a piece of fruit so He decides to come down, suffer, die and repay himself with his own blood. Such glorious nonsense.

    Not really, we condemn ourselves. No one goes to hell by force, but rather, by choice.

    Actually it's nothing new to Christianity and nothing new to religion. Merchandise was invented at cult centres prior to Christ and merely continued on afterwards. Fragment of the true cross anyone?

    Seems to me Jesus had something to say about this stuff too, cleansing of the temple anyone?

  • Abaddon

    Yeru, it's not Jesus I have a 'problem' with, it's some of his followers.

  • William Penwell
    William Penwell

    A friend took me to the "Passion of Christ" last night. As far as a story, it was a well done but a graphic movie.

    Amway I did not know that is was going to be full of my friend's church people and some in the theatre were crying through the whole picture. It was that overwhelming for believers. After the show my friend introduced me to a friend of hers. He was commenting about how some were taking it so lightly. He asked me what I thought and I said it was not shocking to me as I have seen just as gory movies before. He replied, "but that is about our lord." I responded by saying, "I will leave my comments to myself". I don't think he liked my comment and I told him that I didn't mean to offend but I have my own personal feelings on the subject and I respect his right to believe the way he wants.


  • Yerusalyim


    We have that in common then, I also have a probelm with some that claim Jesus.

    I also find it interesting that Mel took more heat for this movie than Janet did for a bare breast on TV.

  • Phantom Stranger
    Phantom Stranger

    I think that's incorrect, Yeru. Janet took much more heat. Mel has gotten as much good press as bad, I think.

    The FCC hasn't attempted to tighten regulation on depictions of the Crucufixion as far as I know...

  • wednesday

    My hubby and I saw this movie, and it was so intense that the audience was stunned into silence. I could not watch them nailing him to the cross, it was just more than i could bare. I feel it has been of great benefit to me personally. I know it sounds corny, but i left there more able to endure my own pain, bc i would think ablout all the pain jesus had to endure and it helped me carry on. My hubby and i found the movie generally scriptually accurate(with a bit of creative license thrown in, ie, the table scene, lightened it a bit).

  • Gollum

    From all the discussions, it's obvious no one properly prepared for seeing this movie. I suggest brushing up first with the information below.

    BTW, I apoligize if this has been posted somewhere else, but I didn't see it in this thread.

  • William Penwell
    William Penwell

    Ma'hed lee qalleel d-Khayey d-Breeyaan, ellaa dlaa gukhkaa.It sort of reminds me of Life of Brian, but it's nowhere near as funny.



  • patio34

    Hi Will,

    You said:

    I will leave my comments to myself". I don't think he liked my comment and I told him that I didn't mean to offend but I have my own personal feelings on the subject and I respect his right to believe the way he wants.

    This strikes a chord in me and bothers me. I've noticed for quite a while (and was guilty of it as a JW) how religious people feel so free to comment on their beliefs and the non-religious (I prefer that to atheist) person feels they must somehow apologize or smoothe over the feelings of the religious.

    Why do I have to worry about offending a believer by saying I don't agree when they spout their preaching? That's pretty backwards I think.


    Pat (Cheers too!)

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