Thank you for putting this up. I printed a copy for a friend of my mom's. This woman's husband is an abusive baptist prick.
Emotional Blackmail and ex-JWs
by Lady Lee 44 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I remember the day my pedophile father strolled into the KH where I attended. In days gone by I would be the one that would be uneasy and sometimes leave. But I held my ground and I did not let him make me feel like I was the one in the wrong. After just a few minutes, he left and did not come there again while I was attending.
If you encounter JWs from your past, just be pleasant, let them know you are happy and enjoying life without revealing details. Don't play the game, "we miss you at the meetings"; ask them why they haven't called if that is true.
Remember that you are free now and they are still trapped.
Amen to that, blondie! That's the exact same mental attitude that I have now.
Hi. I'm new, but this thread prompted me to get my toes wet. I have been harassed by my mother about going back to the meetings, also. I can relate very much with Sassy, because I had become suicidal about JW, my marriage to an alcoholic elder 20 years my senior. And those wonderful elders telling me that I couldn't divorce him or I'd be in big trouble. I divorced him, remarried a nice "worldly" guy, have two daughters with him and enjoying my life again. You'd think that these people would be happy that I'm okay, but NOOOOOOoooooooooo, not them. My mother tells me that if I don't get back to meetings, my daughters will grow up with no morals, be molested by the sick "worldly" people and suffer terribly. Because of me my husband and children will die at Armageddon and it'll be all my fault. One of my nieces is in college and she met a nice fellow that she'd like to marry after college. Of course, he's not a JW, so that's my fault too. You know the drill, "your wicked example has ruined her." She doesn't go to the meetings unless she's visiting her mom, but each time she does she leaves in tears. They don't care if you're happy or not as long as you have a whole lot of guilt and angst. And let me tell you, divorcing an elder can be a trip. I wanted to get out of the marriage and told the body of my complaints. All they could tell me was what a great guy he was and how women always overreact and think their husbands are drinking too much, spending too much money, etc. They recently made him step down on some trumped up charges, but the scuttlebutt is that his drinking was becoming a problem. So, instead of sending him to AA or another program that could help him overcome his addiction, you kick him down and slander him. That'll really improve his quality of life. I mean, I divorced him, but I don't wish any harm to come to him, while his buddies cruicify him. Anyway, I've talked enough. I'm glad to be here -- only an ex-JW can understand the "truth"!
Welcome to JWD kalela. Sorry about how you are being treated! We look forward to getting to know you!
have been going to counseling for the last 17 years
Blondie, me too, since 87. Now me and u and Woody Alen hold the record for years in therapy.
Wednesday, I started because of the abuse issues in my family. I have since worked through the alcohol issues and the religious abuse issues. I'm glad my insurance pays for it. It is a safe place to talk about my religious issues without fear of reprisal. My counselor came from an extreme fundamentalist family background, understands my situation very well.
Lady Lee
Dark Uncle You might want to look at this one too
Welcome to the forum. You might be interested in that article too. I too was married to an elder - not an alcoholic but an emotional abuser. The other elders will always side with one of their own over the woman. I'm glad you are free. My mother also used to give me the same lines about going back - until she found out I think she is in a cult. Now she shuns me - well she pretty much did before but now it is worse.
Hope we hear more from you
first of all WELCOME! I only found this forum a bit over a month ago and can tell you its been very helpful.I also am blackmailed by family members.Its wondertful to find those who can understand.
Great thread Lady Lee! If I thought it would do any good, I would email everyone of my j.w. siblins a copy of this!
Welcome Kalela, you hang in there!!!
Lady Lee
hmmm a family exchange and letter campaign might be interesting