Just curious if anyone out there has done or knows of an extensive biography of Fred Franz. Since he was such a pivotal person in the WTBTS it would be interesting. I know that the Bible Students are writing a biography of Charles T. Russell and Alan F has said that someone is writing a bio of J.F. Rutherford. Fred Franz seems worthy of note. After all, for those of us over 40 years of age, he pretty much defined the JW-ism we grew up in.
Any research on Fred Franz?
by Spudinator 20 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Yes ...Fred Franz..a.k.a Freddy Brown Shoes was born of holy spirit and spit
They thought in the late thirties afetr he had been missing for several days that possible he had been taken to heaven to be with C.T Russell but then they saw his feet sticking out of J.F Rutherfords ass and the ystery was solved...it was later dubbed the End of The Genteel times
This is a serious question. Please, no more cheap shots.
Sorry spudinator...sometimes I can't help myself
Are you looking for an in-depth bio from a source outside the WT or accumulated info from WT sources?
I'll dig up what I have!
Hey Shotgun, no hard feelings here, I can understand. The link that izobcenec gave is good as far as it goes. That book covers four presidents of the Watchtower Society. What I am looking for is just specific to Fred Franz. Personal and detailed. You know, stuff that reveals what he was really like as a person. Not the mythological oracle of the society. Ideally, his nephew Ray will step up and write such a biography. But then maybe not, I remember hearing F. Franz piped in to the Ogden, Utah District Convention in the early 1980's. He was very much "over the top" if you know what I mean.
As far as stuff the WTBTS has documented about Brother F. Franz, you can save yourself the trouble of looking it up, unless it is in publications prior to 1950. Thanks for your responses.
I remember hearing F. Franz piped in to the Ogden, Utah District Convention in the early 1980's. He was very much "over the top"...
I remember that, too. And, yes, he certainly was... That should have been a clue (sigh).
Hey Spud & Willy.
I went to many a convention in the Ogden stadium. Remember the huge rusted roof? You can see it from the freeway.
Spud?? sounds like an Idahoan. You now, Idaho the potatoe state?
I heard him In Montreal in 1985...He quoted Rutherford from 1919 who supposedly said this to Jehovah while giving a prayer in prison...He yelled...If you free me from this prison Jehovah I will drive the sword of truth deep into the belly of the great harlot.