: Both scholar and Farkel are correct.
No, scholar is absolutely wrong. Franz was not the greatest nor even a "great" bible scholar. His 100% failed prophecies prove that, and his LSD-like exegesis of scripture is every bit as bad. His "King of the North/South" crap first revealed in the 1958 novel "Your Will Be Done" has been shown to be merely wishful thinking, for example. There are many more. How did he first conclude that organ transplants were not scriptural and later conclude that they were? How did he conclude that (according to the Bible) a women couldn't scripturally divorce her husband if he was caught having sexual intercourse with a sheep? Or a cow? Or a duck? Then later, concluded that such conduct was scriptural basis for a divorce. There are many, many more examples of Freddie sham "scholarship."
"Scholar" knows all of this. "Scholar" is just trying to yank our chains.