Any fun plans this weekend??

by Sassy 30 Replies latest jw friends

  • Sassy

    With it being Friday and I am itching to get off work and have a couple days off...

    I was wondering if anyone had anything fun planned?

    Right now I don't even know what I am going to do.. But I am in the mood for some fun.. any ideas?? What are you up to?

  • little witch
    little witch

    Yes indeed Sassy

    I just got my federal tax refund!!!!

    So I am planning to do some shopping for furniture and appliances this weekend.

    I want one of those pretty stainless steel stove and fridges.

    And hubby is going to take off work on Monday also, so a long three day weekend for us

  • imallgrowedup

    After all the huge snow storms that blew through here this week, we plan on taking our son up to the Truckee area to take him snow tubing - something he loves! We also plan on seeing "The Passion" this weekend, and our son has a birthday party to attend, so we will be very busy! Hope you find something fun to do, Sassy!



  • shotgun

    No wonder your doin the splits in your avatar growedup

  • Special K
    Special K

    I have 3 boys and will be busy "sheparding" them all over the place.

    hockey, hockey, girls, girls, coasting, coasting, basketball tournament, bouncy bouncy, 4-H Winter Carnival..

    The oldest one is competing in the 4-H competition as a host of all the other clubs..Has to give a speech and then also an impromptu speech. So I guess I'm listening to alot of speeches somewhere in the mix.

    Hubby will run one way with one and I will run the other way with the others and hopefully sometime we will meet up at the same events.

    all fun, all good

    Oh I almost forgot,, we are also invited to an ADULT COASTING PARTY on Saturday night. Alcohol and coasting...lot of fun. 25 foot crazy carpet....zoom zoom zoom.


    Special K

  • Ghosthunter

    It's going to be almost 50 degrees here tomorrow! If enough snow melts, me and the hubby may do some Geo-caching tomorrow!

  • imallgrowedup

    Shotgun -

    No wonder your doin the splits in your avatar growedup

    There are no keeping any secrets with you around, Shotgun! I was really hoping no one noticed that I've been stuck in this position for months on end! Once you've unintentionally done the splits and your hamstrings done got broke, one becomes a permanent midget! (No offense to all the midgets out there!). One day, *sniff* I hope to be able to walk again. *holds out cup* Got any spare change, mister?!


  • shotgun

    SK Please never use this word highlighted in RED for us goats it's a real stickler

    I have 3 boys and will be busy "sheparding" them all over the place.

    Oh I almost forgot,, we are also invited to an ADULT COASTING PARTY on Saturday night. Alcohol and coasting...lot of fun. 25 foot crazy carpet....zoom zoom zoom.

    An adult coasting party...I think I saw one of those in an X-Rated movie one time.

  • ambush23

    i will probably end up at valis' house at some point this weekend, and u all know what goes on overthere

  • Sassy

    i will probably end up at valis' house at some point this weekend, and u all know what goes on overthere

    tell us!! tell us!

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