Isn't God missing the devil?

by Narkissos 15 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • peacefulpete

    I'm uncler about some of your comment narkissos but I'll toss in the little I've read. First Ellain Pagel's book the Origin of Satan really has very little to say on this subject. She makes a few remarks abut the evolving character from a simple noun sometimes actng as an agent of YHWH to the strictly negative enemy of God. She interestingly suggests that the use of Canaan mythology like 2nd Isaiah's use of the Levithan battle contributed to this shift. The majority of the book however is about Xtian developments.

    I think the Saduceean position on evil was that it did eminate from god as a punishment or teacher. To them the results of our actions were rewarded in the present (and only) life. They would seem to have been the last truly monotheistic Jewish sect. And as such they were dinosaurs.

  • Bryan
    We can thank the early Christina church and its power hungery leaders for using the fear and guilt approach of a "evil incarnate" to control the masses.

    I have heard this as well. Satan the intity was created by the church.


  • peacefulpete

    I believe the Christadelphians accept the Satan character as allegory only. How they explain evil I don't know.

  • Sirona

    God: "Ah, I remember those days when Satan was around. He was evil, but we didn't half have some good parties "

    Satan: "Heh, heh. I own Vegas baby! Too bad you're stuck up there in heeaavenn. You're like I'm in heeeaven I cannot paarrrttyyy. Heh Heh"


  • Sirona

    OOPS, did I kill it?

    I was only joking...


    PS. Satan made me do it.....

  • gitasatsangha

    I would have to agree with Carmel. I think Judaism was significantly influenced by Zoroastrianism (and therefore Christianity was heavilly influenced by Zoroastrianism. Zoroastrianism itself was inflenced by the Aryan Vedic pantheon, or at least developed from the same mythology tradition.There are too many Zoroastrian and Vedic name and role similarities for that to be coincidence.

    Perhaps Judaism had earlier influenced Zoroaster as well, so all things come full circle. Certainly in older segments of the Hebrew scriptures, the main thing seems to be Jehovah's conflict for supremacy over other gods (not "false" gods). This war of goodness vs. badness or whatever is essential Zoroastrianism. JW teachings like it a lot.

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