How are you financialy?

by ball. 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • ball.

    How are you financialy?

    I don't know if I am am a typical Brit, but I guess I am a fairly typical rags to riches storey. I have just managed to finish paying off my house at age 32 after growing up a pioneer penny-less until 22, meaning now I can save for the future and buy stuff I want, but until now it's been a strugle. And I don't even have a family to worry about. The general feeling I get is most people in this country waste most their lives struggling against money.

    I am aware of the high concentration on this web site of US citizens, so I direct the question,

    The impression, I am sure, of many British is that not only is the US rich but the average person lives in large accomodation with fairly good cash flow. I am also aware this may be a very limited view based on media and such like. I would be really interested to know how the "average" American lives.

    Americans, let me know if the streets are paved with Gold over there like many people flooding into Britain think they are!

  • Phantom Stranger
    Phantom Stranger

    Americans are good, as a rule, at letting the cash flow back out as they spend it. We as a nation have terrible saving and investing habits.

    I'm doing pretty well - about 3.5-4X my dad's best year ever, and without a degree. But I don't have much cushion... and things are tight with the house we just bought a few months ago (for toher reasons unrelated to income).

    Self-employment can be a challenge - but I like it.

  • Puternut

    Some things money can't buy, for everything else there is Master Card

  • Double Edge
    Double Edge

    Does my having half a hot dog for dinner answer your question?

  • Double Edge
    Double Edge
    Some things money can't buy, for everything else there is Master Card

    Yep... that about sums it up for us over here in 'merica.

  • cruzanheart
    fairly good cash flow

    Oh, yes, the cash flows REALLY well over here -- in one end of the bank account and out the other with nary a stop in between.


  • flower

    congratulations on obtaining financial security in so short a time and such a young age.

    I'm almost as old as you and havent got a pot to piss in as the saying goes .

  • ball.

    Well! theres some interseting and Very Funny coments so far! Yes, we have that mastercard advert too. Anyway, any one care to say why I bought my flat in England when I could have bought a 3 bedroom bungalow beach-side in florida for the same amount? What is it? Aligators?

  • dustyb

    americans spend money as fast as rabbits like to have sex..... college students = dead ass broke bitches (including me) and i can't save worth the shit. so my financial situation can be summed up by one sentence, "living paycheck to paycheck".

    The wedding gift

    ...You gotta love this guy..... This is a true story about a recent wedding
    that took place at Clemson University. It was in the local newspaper and
    even Jay Leno mentioned it.

    It was a huge wedding with about 300 guests. After the wedding at the
    reception, the groom got up on stage with a microphone to talk to the crowd.
    He said he wanted to thank everyone for coming, many from long distances, to
    support them at their wedding. He especially wanted to thank the bride's and
    his family and to thank his new father-in-law for providing such a lavish
    reception. As a token of his deep appreciation he said he wanted to give
    everyone a special gift just from him.

    So taped to the bottom of everyone's chair, including the wedding party, was
    a manila envelope. He said this was his gift to everyone, and asked them to
    open their envelope.

    Inside each manila envelope was an 8x10 glossy of his bride having sex with
    the best man. The groom had gotten suspicious of them weeks earlier and had
    hired a private detective to tail them. After just standing there, just
    watching the guests' reactions for a couple of minutes, he turned to the
    best man and said, "F--- you!". Then he turned to his bride and said, "F---
    you!". Then he turned to the dumbfounded crowd and said, "I'm outta here."

    He had the marriage annulled first thing in the morning.

    While most people would have canceled the wedding immediately after finding
    out about the affair, this guy goes through with the charade, as if nothing
    were wrong. His revenge...making the bride's parents pay over $32,000 for a
    300 guest wedding and reception, and best of all, trashing the bride's and
    best man's reputations in front of 300 friends and family members.

    Do you think we might get a MasterCard "priceless" commercial out of this?

    Elegant wedding reception for 300 family members and friends - $32,000.

    Wedding photographs commemorating the occasion - $3,000.

    Deluxe two week honeymoon accommodations in Maui - $8,500.

    The look on everyone's face when they see the 8x10 glossy of the bride
    humping the best man. ......Priceless.

    There are some things money can't buy, for everything else there's

  • ball.

    Here's a LOL Mastercard can't buy... LOL

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