Over here across the pond we have a pretty good thing going. There?s much money to made and many ways to spend it! The thing is, when you drive down the Interstate on the way in to work each day there is almost nothing but new cars around you. Everywhere you go there are new houses going up. (And I mean four and five bedroom houses with full basements.) Wherever you go there are a Publix, a Home Depot, an Eckerds, a Wal-Mart, and a Blockbuster (video store). Cash flow yes, cash saving no. The truth be known, most folks are probably about four paychecks away from being homeless. I used to get a little jealous when I?d see a guy in a Jag or a Benz but I have learned that he?s probably just as tapped out financially as I am. Just got a little more cash flow than me, is all.
I read the opening page of a finical advisement book many years ago that said, " The first step to being independently wealthy is NOT making more money. It?s spending less." Yea, but try and do that when you can barley afford to pay your mortgage and need a car and the bank is willing to give you another thirty thousand dollars for that new car! It?s kinda weird.
We Americans want it NOW, so we charge it and wind up paying about 25% more for the thing we gotta have right away, instead of saving up for it. And I?m just as guilty of it as anyone else. My parents never used a credit card and always paid cash for everything they had. My dad never made a lot of money and my mom never worked. Yet, they always managed to have saved thousands of dollars somehow.
Still, I DO believe we here in America are rich, cuz we ARE by world standards. I probably make more money at my little job (about 50k a year), than what 80% of the world?s population of working people make at their jobs, around the globe, and I?m just middle class here.